
Saturday, May 4, 2013


I hope to be brief with my presentation on that which many of us have discovered about ABORTION during both THE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE AND OBES.
As we all know, today the subject is major.  As for my personal opinions about the issue, I will simply state them to the point:  I do not believe an ABORTION is the correct move for a human being to make, BUT, I also believe that all women have a "personal right" to do or have done to her own body that which she chooses during her journey on this planet.  The other opinion I have about physical life is this:  I do not believe in CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.  Human beings have absolutely no rights to destroy that which they did not create and spiritually, do not own!
Having said that, I wish to present to you what I have discovered about the act of Abortion.
Here I will use as an example the experience of those having had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE.  (The experience of dying and being declared medically by physicians, dead!)  What happens that continues to be investigated and studied is when the patient is re-
resuscitated on many occasions worldwide.... They report having experienced the "exact same" episodes while considered dead?  I have listed many references to you in previous blogs in case you wish to check these experiences for yourself.... Ex.  HEADING TOWARDS THE OMEGA/DR. KENNETH RING, LIFE AFTER DEATH/DR. RAYMOND MOODY, etc.)
During the out of body experiences and the near death experiences, there seems to never be feelings of uncontrollable emotions and bleeding hearts that we express in the physical.  The feelings are always, happy, exhilarating moments!  Everything and anything be- comes available to us.  ALL QUESTIONS ABOUT PHYSICAL LIFE ARE AND CAN BE ANSWERED!  Our minds seem to expand beyond comprehension.  So does our becomes panoramic!  We are enabled to "see" everything at once.  I personally have never "seen" Angels with wings, BUT, instead, "Beings" that are without a doubt "highly evolved" and full of LIGHT!  Whiter, brighter LIGHT than anything seen here in physical earth time.  Also, I want to say this.....Most of us cannot no matter how we try, explain with clarity that which we "see?"  I can only say this, that which we are able to see and experience is NOTHING like anything here in physical reality!  (But you can find out more about those things in my other blogs....)
I would like to address the subject here of something interesting in references to ABORTION.  When being in a non-physical environ-
ment, myself and every person who has achieved these experiences have confirmed.....YOU CANNOT STOP GRINNING, LOL:)  It feels as if your lips are glued from side to side and you cannot take that grin off of your face!  The feelings of excitement and happiness is beyond belief as we know on this earth.  Never have I ever spoken to or read about or experienced any kinds of negativity.  All entities which speak or assist in revealing information about anything good or what we might call, bad, is done with LOVE and a gently smile.
NOW.  My point:  THE ONLY TIME I HAVE BEEN INFORMED ABOUT A STATE OF SADNESS AND DEPRESSION WAS THAT OF A SPIRIT WHO CHOSE TO COME TO THIS DIMENSION AFTER HAVING "CHOSEN" THEIR PARENTS OR PARENT, WAS WHEN THEY HAD ARRIVED IN THE WOMB AND WAS "ABORTED!"  The information given to me was that the spirit immediately departed and returned to its' place of departure, feeling sad and rejected.  The spirits next plan would be to recover from its' feelings of sadness and prepare to seek another accepting physical being on the planet.
In conclusion on the subject, here I have given you a very simplistic description of that which I know, but I also know that it is far more complicated than presented..... because there are many deep issues that involved each physical individual that is a part of this situation.  I have also learned about the so called, RIPPLE EFFECT that occurs with all negative acts as well as positive ones!  I will only say here that the act of Abortion does cause this RIPPLE EFFECT and EVERYBODY INVOLVED BECOMES A PART OF IT!
                                                                                           More later........
Love and Light!

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