
Saturday, October 29, 2011


"How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state?"  Plato

This morning my astral body exited my physical body.  But, as has happened in the past, I found myself at this time being in also a dream state. 
I began to go participate in the actions presented in  the scenario that was presented to me while dreaming.  I knew very well that I would be witnessing "messages via dream symbols" having experienced this many times in the past.  Unseen messengers were speaking to me in many pictures.  I did notice, someone unfamiliar to me, sitting on steps in front of a house to the left of my astral  body smiling and seemingly assisting with my experience.
The messages that were being given were very pointed and significant to me.  They were very personal and very clear and precisely orchestrated.  That which was most specifically implanted in my memory was that of two huge Great Danes, majestically sitting in front of me and it was established to me by a "messenger" stan-
ding next to me, that these two beautiful dogs were "cousins!"
I would like to explain to you here, the importance of "dream inter-
pretations".  Which go all the way back in history to Biblical times, when Kings would depend strongly on Mystics and
various Metaphysicians to assist them with the meanings of their dreams.
I might have mentioned earlier during my blogs about how dreams are always spirits speaking to us, giving us support and information we might find beneficial and my thoughts are that we should all at some point during our journeys attempt to do some dream work.  It will always be worthwhile.
In the physical that we are attached to and accustomed to, we al- ways, first think or create very clear pictures in our minds and then we present them to one another in spoken words.  In the non-phy-sical dimension, words are usually not spoken, we all actually "see" what is considered "one another's thoughts!"  (We all have this abi-lity in the physical dimension, but most of us have forgotten, there-
fore, they usually must be presented verbally using sound).  I sus- pose, that some just as I do, can from time to time, "read" other
individuals' thoughts by "vibrations" released by them when they are composing their ideas/thoughts.
In any case, I suggest that all investigate the subject of dream analysis, as well as a subject called, Lucid Dreaming!      More later.........

Love and Light!

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