"Rescuer=Spiritual Soul Mate(s). Those who made sacred contracts between us before coming to the physical realm of existence!" Marshall Hill

The following are "messages" given to me in my meditational thoughts. We ALL have Rescuers/Soul Mates, those who join us during our journeys at times needed. The agreements that we made before coming here to this physical dimension. We made a pack, that during our most hopeless and dismal times, they would join in helping us to complete our journeys.
Above are pictures of my major Soul Mates who kept their promises to me just as I to them and others before our arrival. We have traveled together an infinite quantity of time!When one begins to go deeper into non-physical realms, one discovers that much of what we had assumed in the physical is a total misconception. The subject of Soul Mates is usually confused. When being realistic, we soon discover that we also have very disturbing, strung out evil doers in our life that we would prefer not to accept as such, BUT, they too are involved in our physical life here to provide lessons to be learned. Therefore, many of us might find our some of our Soul Mates, not GOOD, but disturbing and bad. On this blog, I would prefer to spare both you and myself of discussing the ones in my life that I have discerned as REALLY MORE THAN BAD! Aahahahah!!!
Moving right along, let us discuss the GOOD ONES! I have been asked many times by various people the question, HOW DO I KNOW WHO MY SOUL MATE(S) ARE??? I always give the answers that I have discovered during my OBEs. Therefore, in order to discern your true soul mates you would have to "change your way of thinking" from the ordinary accepted mondane rules and OPEN YOUR ASTRAL EYES in order to "see" more than the illusionary ideas or thoughts of those being given to you by human beings that are working with "closed eyes!!
Our soul mates can be family members, friends, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. BUT........ our soul mates can also be, partners in crimes, our worst enemies, etc. (BUT.....as I said previously, we are not here to discuss them at this time.)
To those whom have asked me to teach them about developing their abilities to go beyond the physical, I have done so on a small scale. In order to do so fully, I would have to prepare them with classes and much of the information that I have been able to acquire through the many, many years of hard work studying and practicing various methods of learning these things.
I would like to say here, that very simply all one needs to do is, be still, be quiet and open your mind and put aside all that you have been trained to believe and relax and go within yourself and begin to visualize each and every person you have come in contact with in your life and the various situations that transpired in relationship to those individuals and you will be suddenly surprised to discover that you will be able to easily "pinpoint" those soul mates up until this point in your life! You will definitely know for sure when you burst out in a knowing and loving giggle or uncontrollable laugh of surprise!
You will soon discover who, what and when it all happened for you. Who held you up to keep going doing what you might have considered your darkest moments in time. You will quickly begin to discover how many bridges these individuals provided for you to enable you to continue on your journey forward. You will definitely know that this soul or these souls never, never, ever abandoned you in any way. They remained with you through thick and through thin.... They never, ever wished you a final farewell, because they established to you by their both spoken and unspoken thoughts that they were eternal beings in your life! Sometimes, they seemed to physically, remove themselves from your presence, BUT, those times always became so brief.....because they always appeared back in your presence as if nothing had occurred to make them invisible. You need only stop and think about this for awhile and with time you will be amazed at the discoveries you suddenly make about what I am saying to you at this moment.
This is how we all can discover those that we have sacred contracts with and maybe our memories at this time have faultered, there will come a time when our eyes will open clearly once again and we will see them as they really are........ Soulful Mates sharing our most difficult journeys on this most difficult plane of existence. The veil of forgetfulness and the viel that causes some the fear of death sometimes makes this hard to "remember" or "see"......BUT.... this fear will be lifted, because some of these so called, Soul Mates here will assist in crossing one over into the hands of another waiting to calm one's fears. More later.............
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