"What is not learned in each lifetime is carried over into other lifetimes, along with new lessons that arise for the soul to learn, new karmic obligations that result from the responses of its personality to the situations that it encounters. The lessons that the soul has learned also are brought forward into other lifetimes, and this is how the soul evolves." GARY ZUKAV
Before going further to describe those which I consider my Soul Mates, I wish to take this time to clarify a few things.
These are to my knowledge the four most powerful souls in my life in recent years. The Universal Mind as I have said is much more advanced than we in human form could imagine. It does not think, nor operates as we do here on earth. It performs with perfection beyond our comprehension. Which brings me to these points that I wish to express to you.
It is a much more complexed thing than meets the physical eyes as to how these soul mates relate to my life. We must understand that our soul mates are not only "rescuing/supporting" us during our journey, but WE too are making a tremendous contribution in return to them... Some of which will be made clear to us while here and some things will not.... Some of them will tell you how you have made changes or constructive contributions to their life in the process. (Some will not. Some of my own have told me my contributions to them and I feel blessed by their informing me. Some have not to my knowledge? BUT, fear not! It is not necessarily important that we know everything at the moment.)
I told you earlier that you would also be able to identify some of your primary soul mates. Some of the methods you will need to use are Deep Meditations and as I have OBEs. There you will begin to "see" them and know exactly who they are in your present life as well as possibly in past times.
Identifying factors will be some of the following: They will seem very, very "familiar" to you. Your mind must be wide open in order to recognize these things! Do not mistake all relatives as soul mates. Or boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, etc. Do not mistake co-dependants as soul mates. They depend not only on you, but ALL those around them, and are not aware of these negatives. Most of these human beings from observation, you will notice have no "true goals" during their journeys. They are only seeking to acquire as much material gain as possible. (We have sometimes referred to them as "Party Animals") They are angry and resentful towards not only you, but those around them.....they hover over what they believe "belongs" to them as if their entire life "depended" on them or it. In other words, they begin to smother the life out of those around them due to their unconsciously being aware of the fact that they are destroying and thwarting the journeys of others, be they easy or difficult.
You will recognize them by their lack of individuality. Most are talentless and have no real personal goals in life that are not materialistic in nature. They begin to seek out those who have that which they desire and hopefully by placing themselves in the constant company of these human beings, some of their gifts will rub off onto themselves. They have forgotten their "initial purposes" for venturing here to this planet. They cannot live in this life as being their own physical created realities, but rather go from day to day having the determined belief that all and everybody "owes" them! All of their LOVE given or shared is dependant on how much they can expect or get back! The mistakes of these souls are repeated indefinitely without knowledge. (This immediately brings to our attention WHY many if not most of us might have to continuously "return" to class!)
You and I can discern our true Soul Mates, not from one another necessarily, BUT, from the Universal Mind during Meditations and also from Prayer. We must be patient and we must listen and we must be ready to accept THE TRUTH! The truth is difficult sometimes for all of us to accept. But we are given many opportunities to rectify our situations in order to receive and accept it.
For I have learned many things during my OBEs about how our EGOS will definitely become tremendous obstacles in achieving this successfully. My higher self during these times has always made it clear to me also, that JEALOUSY also causes us many of our limitations on achieving these things. It is one of the obstacles that will stand firmly in our way of moving forward and definitely will give us a ticket to our own "repeat performance!" By the way, many of us, cannot and will not conceive of these drawbacks. We will only strike out at those who would even suggest such a thing to us. Test it out. Confront some human beings with their obvious display of EGO or JEALOUSY and you might even loose a friend! (Or even a close relative?) Aahahaha!
Find some of your true SOUL MATES. I promise you that it will be a wonderful awakening! We discover that we are definitely not alone on our difficult journey here on planet earth. There are others whom have chosen to accompany us and attend many of the same classes. More later.........
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
All four people in the photographs know each other. Therefore, my thoughts are that all four people in association with me now have been intertwined together in some capacity during previous times of existence due to the facts that all of these people when confronted in person with one another had very specific impressions/feelings in relationship to their initial meetings and unfolding of future events.
Please do not misinterpret the thoughts and experiences that I am presenting to you now about my connection to these particular individuals as being that of a presentation about the subject of, REINCARNATION. These are primarily, not my intentions here at all. Rather, I am still continuing to present to you my experiences and discoveries in relationship to my many OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES!
When we choose to drop our roles in this present existence, as merely followers of the "Herds" and holding on and accepting the collective beliefs of others in the majority/control/accepted/comfortable belief systems without breaking off from them (moving away from one's comfort zone!) and opening our thoughts to those which we might suspect to be possibilities entering into our intuitions, but instead shy away, due to our fear of becoming unacceptable/outcasts of the judgemental ideas/beliefs established and written in stone by the Herds unanimously. At which point, we all very quickly loose our individuality's and become "stuck" into the limited thinking of how the universe actually in reality operates!
Please do not misinterpret the thoughts and experiences that I am presenting to you now about my connection to these particular individuals as being that of a presentation about the subject of, REINCARNATION. These are primarily, not my intentions here at all. Rather, I am still continuing to present to you my experiences and discoveries in relationship to my many OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES!
When we choose to drop our roles in this present existence, as merely followers of the "Herds" and holding on and accepting the collective beliefs of others in the majority/control/accepted/comfortable belief systems without breaking off from them (moving away from one's comfort zone!) and opening our thoughts to those which we might suspect to be possibilities entering into our intuitions, but instead shy away, due to our fear of becoming unacceptable/outcasts of the judgemental ideas/beliefs established and written in stone by the Herds unanimously. At which point, we all very quickly loose our individuality's and become "stuck" into the limited thinking of how the universe actually in reality operates!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
"Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the will be opened." Matthew 7:7
OLGA, PETER, MICHAEL, GREGORY. From top to bottom are the names of the people in the photographs.
I will try to briefly give information as to what information I was given about how these particular four humans beings/souls functioned in my life during my present journey here on this planet. All of you who read my blogs here will be able to discover also how various individuals function in you present and past life when experiencing your OBEs.
The above mentioned persons either entered "physically" into my present physical life many, many years ago and others, in more recent times.
I will start with OLGA. She entered into my life during one if not the darkest and saddest times in my life! I promptly rejected her friendship wanting very much at the time to escape from associating with people. I wanted to suffer and waddle in my own misery in isolation.
I soon discovered that many people wanted to befriend her, she was and is extremely popular and that she was very selective about whom she trusted to enter into her life and was somewhat of a very, very private person. It became very obvious to me that most attempted to invade on her privacy rather than she theirs on attempting to befriend her........
Something odd seemed to be happening in relationship to she and I in getting to know each other on a closer level.......I was avoiding her as if she were a "plague" and she was NOT HAVING IT! Which I came to find rather humorous. With time, we became the closest friends you could ever imagine. I also became familiar with many of her family members as did she with mine. Another discovery was made in a very short period of time.....we were both Artist and Musicians! And we both were equally interested in the study of:
METAPHYSICS! Who was this woman??? How did we have such an almost, "instant connection???" She immediately started to force me back into "physical realities!" I remember telling her how depressed I was and how much I always had the feelings of letting go of physical life. She was disgusted! I told her that I would make another try by requesting "anti-depressants" from my doctor. Which I did.......shortly after starting to take them, I asked her what she thought of my behaviour? She responded, I PREFERRED YOU BETTER WHEN YOU WERE NOT TAKING THEM. I responded to her and asked if she did not notice how much better I was and that I was not acting as crazy or weird as before? She responded, I LIKED THE WAY YOU ACTED BEFORE, "NOW" YOU ARE ACTING WEIRD!" (I stopped taking them).
I always questioned both she and myself as to "who?" we actually were to each other??? I started to try and prompt her to develop her astral projection abilities......
I do remember her having the first one where she ended up in the closet in her bedroom and freaked out because she felt she was trapped and could not get out!!! She had already had several paranormal experiences in her life, before meeting me. I will always remember the one where she had been followed closely on a dark road, very late at night by that which we would call, an UFO. She was terrified and in a terrible panic, but did make it safely home that night without incident. But the terror of it all remains with her to this day.
But with time, I started to have OBEs and a few people appeared that I could not really identify at first. But, with time they became very familiar. In particular, a woman very similar in appearance to Olga who was a MEDIUM. The symbolism in them was that this woman in addition to having the appearance similar to Olga, also was "reading my palms", "reading notes and papers that were all about me", etc. Always counseling or giving me information about myself! There were other times, a daughter or a small child appeared resembling her in a "different time" YET, a very familiar place. I believe I mentioned earlier in one of my blogs, that she was the person to direct me to the correct place to research and find answers to my questions about so much which was displayed to me in my Out of Body Experiences!
During this present dimension, whenever things have crumbled, she has been there to support my survival of it all. Once when attempting to find a new apartment, I remember she accompanied me one day and how we both walked in to one of the apartments in question, and suddenly we both found ourselves having difficulties breathing. Both of us were suddenly over-come with this frightening feeling to get out as soon as possible. (The Real Estate Agent showing it was oblivious to any of this....) As time has gone by through the years, it has been MORE than obvious that this was definitely the various persons in my OBEs portraying other characters during what I surmised as other times? This started to make it clearer and clearer to me that our contracts had been made long before ever arriving on this planet..... This was one of the spiritual beings that had chosen to travel or arrive at a time we had agreed on when assistance was needed. I believe we must also realize, that it is not really a simple process. It is much more complexed.
OLGA, PETER, MICHAEL, GREGORY. From top to bottom are the names of the people in the photographs.
I will try to briefly give information as to what information I was given about how these particular four humans beings/souls functioned in my life during my present journey here on this planet. All of you who read my blogs here will be able to discover also how various individuals function in you present and past life when experiencing your OBEs.
The above mentioned persons either entered "physically" into my present physical life many, many years ago and others, in more recent times.
I will start with OLGA. She entered into my life during one if not the darkest and saddest times in my life! I promptly rejected her friendship wanting very much at the time to escape from associating with people. I wanted to suffer and waddle in my own misery in isolation.
I soon discovered that many people wanted to befriend her, she was and is extremely popular and that she was very selective about whom she trusted to enter into her life and was somewhat of a very, very private person. It became very obvious to me that most attempted to invade on her privacy rather than she theirs on attempting to befriend her........
Something odd seemed to be happening in relationship to she and I in getting to know each other on a closer level.......I was avoiding her as if she were a "plague" and she was NOT HAVING IT! Which I came to find rather humorous. With time, we became the closest friends you could ever imagine. I also became familiar with many of her family members as did she with mine. Another discovery was made in a very short period of time.....we were both Artist and Musicians! And we both were equally interested in the study of:
METAPHYSICS! Who was this woman??? How did we have such an almost, "instant connection???" She immediately started to force me back into "physical realities!" I remember telling her how depressed I was and how much I always had the feelings of letting go of physical life. She was disgusted! I told her that I would make another try by requesting "anti-depressants" from my doctor. Which I did.......shortly after starting to take them, I asked her what she thought of my behaviour? She responded, I PREFERRED YOU BETTER WHEN YOU WERE NOT TAKING THEM. I responded to her and asked if she did not notice how much better I was and that I was not acting as crazy or weird as before? She responded, I LIKED THE WAY YOU ACTED BEFORE, "NOW" YOU ARE ACTING WEIRD!" (I stopped taking them).
I always questioned both she and myself as to "who?" we actually were to each other??? I started to try and prompt her to develop her astral projection abilities......
I do remember her having the first one where she ended up in the closet in her bedroom and freaked out because she felt she was trapped and could not get out!!! She had already had several paranormal experiences in her life, before meeting me. I will always remember the one where she had been followed closely on a dark road, very late at night by that which we would call, an UFO. She was terrified and in a terrible panic, but did make it safely home that night without incident. But the terror of it all remains with her to this day.
But with time, I started to have OBEs and a few people appeared that I could not really identify at first. But, with time they became very familiar. In particular, a woman very similar in appearance to Olga who was a MEDIUM. The symbolism in them was that this woman in addition to having the appearance similar to Olga, also was "reading my palms", "reading notes and papers that were all about me", etc. Always counseling or giving me information about myself! There were other times, a daughter or a small child appeared resembling her in a "different time" YET, a very familiar place. I believe I mentioned earlier in one of my blogs, that she was the person to direct me to the correct place to research and find answers to my questions about so much which was displayed to me in my Out of Body Experiences!
During this present dimension, whenever things have crumbled, she has been there to support my survival of it all. Once when attempting to find a new apartment, I remember she accompanied me one day and how we both walked in to one of the apartments in question, and suddenly we both found ourselves having difficulties breathing. Both of us were suddenly over-come with this frightening feeling to get out as soon as possible. (The Real Estate Agent showing it was oblivious to any of this....) As time has gone by through the years, it has been MORE than obvious that this was definitely the various persons in my OBEs portraying other characters during what I surmised as other times? This started to make it clearer and clearer to me that our contracts had been made long before ever arriving on this planet..... This was one of the spiritual beings that had chosen to travel or arrive at a time we had agreed on when assistance was needed. I believe we must also realize, that it is not really a simple process. It is much more complexed.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"Rescuer=Spiritual Soul Mate(s). Those who made sacred contracts between us before coming to the physical realm of existence!" Marshall Hill

When one begins to go deeper into non-physical realms, one discovers that much of what we had assumed in the physical is a total misconception. The subject of Soul Mates is usually confused. When being realistic, we soon discover that we also have very disturbing, strung out evil doers in our life that we would prefer not to accept as such, BUT, they too are involved in our physical life here to provide lessons to be learned. Therefore, many of us might find our some of our Soul Mates, not GOOD, but disturbing and bad. On this blog, I would prefer to spare both you and myself of discussing the ones in my life that I have discerned as REALLY MORE THAN BAD! Aahahahah!!!
Moving right along, let us discuss the GOOD ONES! I have been asked many times by various people the question, HOW DO I KNOW WHO MY SOUL MATE(S) ARE??? I always give the answers that I have discovered during my OBEs. Therefore, in order to discern your true soul mates you would have to "change your way of thinking" from the ordinary accepted mondane rules and OPEN YOUR ASTRAL EYES in order to "see" more than the illusionary ideas or thoughts of those being given to you by human beings that are working with "closed eyes!!
Our soul mates can be family members, friends, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. BUT........ our soul mates can also be, partners in crimes, our worst enemies, etc. (BUT.....as I said previously, we are not here to discuss them at this time.)
To those whom have asked me to teach them about developing their abilities to go beyond the physical, I have done so on a small scale. In order to do so fully, I would have to prepare them with classes and much of the information that I have been able to acquire through the many, many years of hard work studying and practicing various methods of learning these things.
I would like to say here, that very simply all one needs to do is, be still, be quiet and open your mind and put aside all that you have been trained to believe and relax and go within yourself and begin to visualize each and every person you have come in contact with in your life and the various situations that transpired in relationship to those individuals and you will be suddenly surprised to discover that you will be able to easily "pinpoint" those soul mates up until this point in your life! You will definitely know for sure when you burst out in a knowing and loving giggle or uncontrollable laugh of surprise!
You will soon discover who, what and when it all happened for you. Who held you up to keep going doing what you might have considered your darkest moments in time. You will quickly begin to discover how many bridges these individuals provided for you to enable you to continue on your journey forward. You will definitely know that this soul or these souls never, never, ever abandoned you in any way. They remained with you through thick and through thin.... They never, ever wished you a final farewell, because they established to you by their both spoken and unspoken thoughts that they were eternal beings in your life! Sometimes, they seemed to physically, remove themselves from your presence, BUT, those times always became so brief.....because they always appeared back in your presence as if nothing had occurred to make them invisible. You need only stop and think about this for awhile and with time you will be amazed at the discoveries you suddenly make about what I am saying to you at this moment.
This is how we all can discover those that we have sacred contracts with and maybe our memories at this time have faultered, there will come a time when our eyes will open clearly once again and we will see them as they really are........ Soulful Mates sharing our most difficult journeys on this most difficult plane of existence. The veil of forgetfulness and the viel that causes some the fear of death sometimes makes this hard to "remember" or "see"......BUT.... this fear will be lifted, because some of these so called, Soul Mates here will assist in crossing one over into the hands of another waiting to calm one's fears. More later.............
"Rescuer=Spiritual Soul Mate(s). Those who made sacred contracts between us before coming to the physical realm of existence!" Marshall Hill

The following are "messages" given to me in my meditational thoughts. We ALL have Rescuers/Soul Mates, those who join us during our journeys at times needed. The agreements that we made before coming here to this physical dimension. We made a pack, that during our most hopeless and dismal times, they would join in helping us to complete our journeys.
Above are pictures of my major Soul Mates who kept their promises to me just as I to them and others before our arrival. We have traveled together an infinite quantity of time!When one begins to go deeper into non-physical realms, one discovers that much of what we had assumed in the physical is a total misconception. The subject of Soul Mates is usually confused. When being realistic, we soon discover that we also have very disturbing, strung out evil doers in our life that we would prefer not to accept as such, BUT, they too are involved in our physical life here to provide lessons to be learned. Therefore, many of us might find our some of our Soul Mates, not GOOD, but disturbing and bad. On this blog, I would prefer to spare both you and myself of discussing the ones in my life that I have discerned as REALLY MORE THAN BAD! Aahahahah!!!
Moving right along, let us discuss the GOOD ONES! I have been asked many times by various people the question, HOW DO I KNOW WHO MY SOUL MATE(S) ARE??? I always give the answers that I have discovered during my OBEs. Therefore, in order to discern your true soul mates you would have to "change your way of thinking" from the ordinary accepted mondane rules and OPEN YOUR ASTRAL EYES in order to "see" more than the illusionary ideas or thoughts of those being given to you by human beings that are working with "closed eyes!!
Our soul mates can be family members, friends, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. BUT........ our soul mates can also be, partners in crimes, our worst enemies, etc. (BUT.....as I said previously, we are not here to discuss them at this time.)
To those whom have asked me to teach them about developing their abilities to go beyond the physical, I have done so on a small scale. In order to do so fully, I would have to prepare them with classes and much of the information that I have been able to acquire through the many, many years of hard work studying and practicing various methods of learning these things.
I would like to say here, that very simply all one needs to do is, be still, be quiet and open your mind and put aside all that you have been trained to believe and relax and go within yourself and begin to visualize each and every person you have come in contact with in your life and the various situations that transpired in relationship to those individuals and you will be suddenly surprised to discover that you will be able to easily "pinpoint" those soul mates up until this point in your life! You will definitely know for sure when you burst out in a knowing and loving giggle or uncontrollable laugh of surprise!
You will soon discover who, what and when it all happened for you. Who held you up to keep going doing what you might have considered your darkest moments in time. You will quickly begin to discover how many bridges these individuals provided for you to enable you to continue on your journey forward. You will definitely know that this soul or these souls never, never, ever abandoned you in any way. They remained with you through thick and through thin.... They never, ever wished you a final farewell, because they established to you by their both spoken and unspoken thoughts that they were eternal beings in your life! Sometimes, they seemed to physically, remove themselves from your presence, BUT, those times always became so brief.....because they always appeared back in your presence as if nothing had occurred to make them invisible. You need only stop and think about this for awhile and with time you will be amazed at the discoveries you suddenly make about what I am saying to you at this moment.
This is how we all can discover those that we have sacred contracts with and maybe our memories at this time have faultered, there will come a time when our eyes will open clearly once again and we will see them as they really are........ Soulful Mates sharing our most difficult journeys on this most difficult plane of existence. The veil of forgetfulness and the viel that causes some the fear of death sometimes makes this hard to "remember" or "see"......BUT.... this fear will be lifted, because some of these so called, Soul Mates here will assist in crossing one over into the hands of another waiting to calm one's fears. More later.............
Monday, September 12, 2011
"Light is not recognized except through darkness." Yiddish proverb
I began working many days, both at my workshop and in the gallery as a Salesperson.
It was not really difficult, because I seemed to exist within another realm of existence from day to day and seemed to float through peaceful and quiet times. Observing very close my new surroundings of the routine of back and forth 7 days a week to and from home and the gallery. Walking most of the times, seeing each day as I crossed the Brooklyn Bridge that the Twin Towers were now nothing more than a huge fog. A missing entity which had taken human entities along with it into another world.
Weeks began to past and soon Olga was able to return to the seaport and assist in running the gallery.
My thoughts were more than ever on the idea that soon the gallery as I had known it for so many years would soon have to make its' final farewell due to no longer being able financially to survive this terrible devastation that had occurred.
Suddenly out of the blue, people from various parts of the world started to call in and seem to be insistent on pulling us all back on our feet.
One of our clients in St. Martin called to say how sad she was at what had transpired and that she wanted to start to put in as many orders as possible for her establishments throughout the Carribbean. Others called in and did seemingly the same? And then to my surprise (do not forget, I had not always been present at the gallery in the past and there were others who had acquainted themselves with the customers better than I at the time).
People began walking in to make purchases that would tell me they wanted something to give to either their friends, relatives or even themselves in "remembrance" of those that they had lost in The Twin Towers! Some said that they had visited the gallery hundreds of times in the past. There were even those that said they had come with a friend every day during their lunch break to walk around inside the gallery and be peaceful for a bit of time before going back to work. (Many had worked at Twin Towers)
Then there were the many commissions made by Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Husbands, Wives, Mothers, etc. to be purchased in memory of the loved ones that they had lost during 9/11 in the surrounding areas and outer boroughs. Several hospitals and institutions, not only in New York City commissioned works. Rabbis, Priests, Ministers, etc.
Their faces, their auras, their stories, all were heartbreaking to say the least! (These were very painful times for both them and myself upon listening to them relay their losses.)
Sometimes I would request a photograph of the person in question that I was to produce the art in memory. I told them that even though the media that I worked in to do this did not require it, that I wanted to have the photo while doing each one to view while working on the piece.... (I did not mention to them, that in my thoughts, this would bring each individual stronger into my presence during my work). I was told that many of them had spent hours visiting my gallery. This would soon come to give me clarity as to THE WHY? for so many months I would sometimes sit at the counter alone in silence and suddenly look up and around the space to see "who?" was inside the gallery, when in physical reality, no one was standing inside? BUT........There was "someone", many, standing and browsing inside the space. I just could not "see" them "physically". Their auras were in abundance on a daily basis!
I began to feel at peace, not only because they were helping to keep the gallery in business/afloat, BUT....I was getting the feeling that I had or was giving something worthwhile to other human beings that made them feel GOOD! I felt an abundance of LOVE being gifted to me!
More later.............
I began working many days, both at my workshop and in the gallery as a Salesperson.
It was not really difficult, because I seemed to exist within another realm of existence from day to day and seemed to float through peaceful and quiet times. Observing very close my new surroundings of the routine of back and forth 7 days a week to and from home and the gallery. Walking most of the times, seeing each day as I crossed the Brooklyn Bridge that the Twin Towers were now nothing more than a huge fog. A missing entity which had taken human entities along with it into another world.
Weeks began to past and soon Olga was able to return to the seaport and assist in running the gallery.
My thoughts were more than ever on the idea that soon the gallery as I had known it for so many years would soon have to make its' final farewell due to no longer being able financially to survive this terrible devastation that had occurred.
Suddenly out of the blue, people from various parts of the world started to call in and seem to be insistent on pulling us all back on our feet.
One of our clients in St. Martin called to say how sad she was at what had transpired and that she wanted to start to put in as many orders as possible for her establishments throughout the Carribbean. Others called in and did seemingly the same? And then to my surprise (do not forget, I had not always been present at the gallery in the past and there were others who had acquainted themselves with the customers better than I at the time).
People began walking in to make purchases that would tell me they wanted something to give to either their friends, relatives or even themselves in "remembrance" of those that they had lost in The Twin Towers! Some said that they had visited the gallery hundreds of times in the past. There were even those that said they had come with a friend every day during their lunch break to walk around inside the gallery and be peaceful for a bit of time before going back to work. (Many had worked at Twin Towers)
Then there were the many commissions made by Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Husbands, Wives, Mothers, etc. to be purchased in memory of the loved ones that they had lost during 9/11 in the surrounding areas and outer boroughs. Several hospitals and institutions, not only in New York City commissioned works. Rabbis, Priests, Ministers, etc.
Their faces, their auras, their stories, all were heartbreaking to say the least! (These were very painful times for both them and myself upon listening to them relay their losses.)
Sometimes I would request a photograph of the person in question that I was to produce the art in memory. I told them that even though the media that I worked in to do this did not require it, that I wanted to have the photo while doing each one to view while working on the piece.... (I did not mention to them, that in my thoughts, this would bring each individual stronger into my presence during my work). I was told that many of them had spent hours visiting my gallery. This would soon come to give me clarity as to THE WHY? for so many months I would sometimes sit at the counter alone in silence and suddenly look up and around the space to see "who?" was inside the gallery, when in physical reality, no one was standing inside? BUT........There was "someone", many, standing and browsing inside the space. I just could not "see" them "physically". Their auras were in abundance on a daily basis!
I began to feel at peace, not only because they were helping to keep the gallery in business/afloat, BUT....I was getting the feeling that I had or was giving something worthwhile to other human beings that made them feel GOOD! I felt an abundance of LOVE being gifted to me!
More later.............
Sunday, September 11, 2011
"Have courage for whatever comes." Mother Teresa
On September 10, 2001 it was my birthday which was spent completely alone and in mostly silence. I had tremendous feelings of isolation and decided to go out for a walk. I actually enjoyed my long walk in the neighborhood where I lived at the time.
BUT, in spite of this, I still had a very strange and quiet feeling of isolation from the rest of my surroundings. I did not have feelings of sadness, nor loneliness. Just feelings of extreme silence, the kinds of internal feelings or darkness and complete quiet that I would sometimes experience as a small boy in Virginia just before a major Tornado or furious Storm! That night I went to bed and went to sleep without a problem and experienced no OBEs!
The following morning, September 11, 2001 I woke up, the radio was already on as usual, because I slept with it on at night, most nights. That morning I woke up hearing announcements on the radio about a plane crashing very close to my gallery at The South Street Seaport! They said the plane had hit one of THE TWIN TOWERS! I sat up and turned on the television. Just as I did....I saw what I thought to be a re-cap of this event. BUT........It was LIVE! A plane was crashing into the second tower at The World Trade Center!
So quickly, the odors of fumes/smoke began to enter into my opened bedroom windows. This I knew for sure was NOT an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE! This was physical reality happening within my realm of physical existence. Human beings were attempting and were being successful at destroying fellow human beings! The difference this time was, IT WAS HAPPENING WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE FROM WHERE I LIVED!
As we all know by now, Lower Manhattan was devastated for months and years to come as far as Merchants such as myself who owned and ran any kinds of businesses. I was beginning to assume that my gallery would be soon only a distant memory, due to lack of business. (Most of us were already having various problems due to poor management and corporate greed of staying in business.) My getting back into the thick of things going on in the area was a sad and dismal experience at first.
I watched as I walked to work from day to day, the businesses outside of the mall dissipate quickly. So many businesses became a distant memory with time.
And what was even worst, was the HUMAN BEINGS that had become only a memory that had perished in this monstrous act of destruction by other HUMAN BEINGS that had so little compassion for others!
In the beginning, most of us were in a daze on a daily basis. Most of our time was not spent with selling our products to customers, but rather, attempting to be supportive of the hundreds of Police Officers, Military Officers, etc. that we would either pass coming to our places of business or greeting them as they stopped by from day to day to just introduce themselves to us and let us know they were protecting us from harm's way! (LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL OF THOSE MEN AND WOMEN THAT I MET DURING THAT TIME!)
Walking to work, or taking the trains to work, either way was a long haul, due to the fact that there were always various detours that would arise on a day to day basis. I always attempted not to look in the direction, when coming out of the subway, of fallen rubble of THE TWIN TOWERS. It was heartbreaking to say the least. The odors of decaying bodies permeated the subway stations and smoke and fumes seemed to last an eternity. Both at work and at home.
Sales to stay in business and to pay bills were becoming almost nil. It seemed only a question of time before what these monsters had done to many of my neighbors and my friends, who no longer were alive to come home, (seeing their pictures hanging all around me in the area was sad. Especially that so many of them were in their 20's and 30's.....) I remember that so many of these people had made the neighborhood so festive during the holiday seasons, especially Christmas. Instead, the following holiday seasons around the neighborhood were THE DARKEST ONES EVER IMAGINE in a country accustomed to so much freedom!
As I mentioned, many of us were convinced that it was only a question of time that we would all go out of business, and some did....... BUT, for me something unexpected happened before having to close. I was surrounded by those telling me they were going to go under and that we were all doomed!
What happened next to myself and my gallery I saw as something Metaphysical. Something that The Universe had arranged beyond my human capabilities to comprehend at first............
More later............
Saturday, September 10, 2011
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious". Albert Einstein
I wish to take this opportunity to THANK all of those who sent me Birthday Greetings today! (I always thought that was a very, very closely gaurded SECRET! Aahahahah!) "Help!!! I think I'm falling and I can't get up???"
In spite of the fact that many of us wish not to be reminded of the fact that there is a big possibility that some of us are becoming "older than dirt" we must admit....There are so many who "remember" the date we arrived on this planet, even when we ourselves sometimes prefer to acquire amnesia about our birthdays! Why? Because they LOVE us!
More later........
Love and Light!
I wish to take this opportunity to THANK all of those who sent me Birthday Greetings today! (I always thought that was a very, very closely gaurded SECRET! Aahahahah!) "Help!!! I think I'm falling and I can't get up???"
In spite of the fact that many of us wish not to be reminded of the fact that there is a big possibility that some of us are becoming "older than dirt" we must admit....There are so many who "remember" the date we arrived on this planet, even when we ourselves sometimes prefer to acquire amnesia about our birthdays! Why? Because they LOVE us!
More later........
Love and Light!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Will we all be witnesses when a Higher Entity presents the question to those who did this: WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME?
To all of the innocent human beings who were subjected to this monstrous, unthinkable devastation on September 11, 2001. I send my personal LOVE, BLESSINGS AND LIGHT!
Love and Light!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
"There are those that are so silent to we humans. They have families and relatives and they are just as frightened as us. Their homes are destroyed and there is no food and water for them to fetch. There is no one to nurse their wounds or comfort their fears. My heart is breaking today." Marshall Hill
Today in Texas this horrendous fire broke out and spread so fast and so far. More later..........
Love and Light!
Today in Texas this horrendous fire broke out and spread so fast and so far. More later..........
Love and Light!
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