
Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Since I have read and studied hundreds of books on OBES and NDES, I am always excited when something new is released that I have not read.  In my past blogs I have suggested books that I have found excellent for anyone interested in the subjects.
Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to recommend the newest book that I am in the process of reading now, and thus far I am very excited about its' contents, since I am always very selective about when choosing what to read.
I would like to highly suggest, CONSCIOUSNESS BEYOND LIFE, The Science of the Near-Death Experience.  It is written by, PIM VAN LOMMEL, M.D.  This is a book written by Dr. Van Lommel, a renowned cardiologist from The Netherlands.  The doctor was so inspired by the stories his patients told of their NDES that he became the first medical practitioner to risk his reputation with a full, systematic clinical trial into the phenomenon.  He has been Internationally acclaimed for his research on the subject.
To quote one of the many praises for his book:
THE WASHINGTON POST:  "The evidence supports the validity of "near-death" experiences and suggests that scientists should rethink theories on one of the ultimate medical mysteries:  the nature of human consciousness."

More later,

Love and Light!

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