
Monday, March 8, 2010


YES! I have seen them several times. They were usually my dogs or cats that had passed on to The Other Side. They are there, loving and kind and playful and happy. As in the physical, always excited and playful to be with us.
As a young child many of of us are very cruel to small animals. I thus far have not forgotten how cruel I was to new born stray kittens. I was damaged by the memories of my actions towards them as a small boy. It was a very important question I needed to ask when visiting a Psychiatrist as a young adult. Why??? Why did I have such an obsession to harm them so terribly when I have always loved animals so very much. The answer was given to me and with much thought on my part, I realized that it made very good sense. It did not make me feel better knowing the answer, but it made it clearer to me as to why I performed such horrible acts on these helpless animals.
I have tried to forgive myself and yet, to this day after so many years, I still cannot completely accept total forgiveness for my actions. I was told by the Psychiatrist that I was asserting what I felt was "control" and "power" over these innocent and fragile animals to calm my fear and great pain of being abused myself. As a boy I would run directly into an oncoming Tornado and begin singing happy songs loudly. (How on earth did I survive these actions) While my brother horrified would hide under a bed in the house. I remember very well playing with matches and the excitement of creating large fires around me without harming anyone, but feeling very excited and thrilled by my actions. Why? I WAS FEELING POWERFUL, because I was so afraid and damaged by others bigger than little me.
I was so traumatized by huge adults who did terrible things to me and I was too young, too small and too weak to defend myself.
Those were horrible lessons for me to learn about existing in this dimension. But, as a growing child I grew to love all of the animals I came in contact with into my adulthood. I am NOT an animal activist today and never have been. (People that wish to be so should not be judged and they should not judge others. I find these groups repulsive!) each his own. I personally am fascinated and have so much love inside my heart for all animals. Their unconditional love is amazing!!!
Sometimes, I exhaust myself physically, attempting to get the Roaches out of my space alive rather than murder them, Aahahahahha! Sometimes, by habit I smash them....But, if I can get them out I will. But for some reason I do have my limits. I will do anything to get Spiders, Moths, Worms, Mice, Rats, etc. away from my space. I will not destroy them....... The various methods that are use to kill them is just not for me. Catching a mouse or rat on a glue trap is preferable. I learned that I could take them away a distance from my space and with oil, release them into the outdoors area far enough from me, hoping they will not find their way back.
Now some might be saying now, THIS IS RIDICULOUS! I am smiling now. But, stay with me for a moment and follow what I am about to tell you. Look at these animals. No matter how small or big. Stop and think for a moment. Open your mind and think: IS THIS ANIMAL BEFORE ME, SOMEONES MOTHER? IS THIS ANIMAL BEFORE ME RESPONSIBLE TO FIND FOOD FOR IT'S FAMILY AND ARE THEY EXPECTING IT TO RETURN SOON? DOES THIS ANIMAL BREATH THE SAME AIR I BREATH OR HAVE EYES TO SEE THE WORLD AROUND IT OR ME? DO THESE ANIMALS HAVE BLOOD INSIDE OF THEM, JUST AS I HAVE BLOOD INSIDE MY BODY? DO THEY FEEL PAIN AND SUFFERING JUST AS I FEEL PAIN AND SUFFERING?. Are they doing what they do under the laws of which they were created to live under? Think about this and add your own thoughts and decide how you really feel deep inside your heart about these ideas.
On the radio, yesterday during a replay of a man speaking very angrily, I heard him say the following: WHY SHOULD SHE HAVE TO GO TO JAIL FOR 4 YEARS, IT WAS ONLY A DOG!!!!????
The situation was this: His relative had been captured on video by a bystander, beating a Dog with a snow shovel. The Dog was rescued and had broken limbs, and would be cripple for life. It would be blind in one eye for life and had internal injuries. According to the report. This person had been abusing this animal for a long time in the past. My heart was breaking! In my mind, I was imagining this animal screaming out in pain as this person abused it. This was a living, breathing animal that suffered pain just as we do and cried out in agony just as any human being would and this man was asking the question: WHY SHOULD SHE HAVE TO GO TO JAIL FOR 4 YEARS, IT WAS "ONLY" A DOG!
This animal could not defend itself against this monster that was attempting to destroy it. It is my belief that this is truly the beginning of THE NEW AGE! Maybe this person was "lowly evolved" or had mental problems. Maybe 4 years in jail was not appropriate. But would it set a new example to others, that this was a living creature and suffered pain and agony just and you and I would under the circumstances. Maybe we are going to "advance" in this new beginning into higher and better and more caring and loving human beings!
I am presently living in a more rural area than I lived in the recent past. Therefore, when traveling on the highways, I see sights that are very common. Animals that have been hit by moving cars and left on the highway to either suffer or be repeatedly run over by oncoming cars. Some are small and some are large. Recently, while driving in the car with another person, I saw a deer's body on the highway. Just by some gut reaction I yelled out. Please stop the car and then we can remove that animal from the road. The person I was with firmly replied, "Marshall, you cannot stop the car at 60 miles an hour and get out and remove that dead animal". I was silent and continued our journey and in my mind, my imagination was going wild with ideas of this scene. "What is happening with this world? So much progress. But what about those animals? How do they return home to their families? Will they miss them and wait believing that they will return soon? Were there small babies? Will they starve to death for lack of food or protection? There will be no proper burial for that animal I just viewed. How many cars will continue to pass by and roll over its' lifeless body? I know very well, none of this would be the same if it had been a human being. My mind went on and on and my soul sat for awhile in a very confused and dark place. The mysteries of this world we humans live in once again became tremendously "disturbing" to me. My Metaphysical studies, my meditations, my search for answers to so many questions continued to build.
I am going to close for now, but before I do......Think about this: We humans, shed red blood when exposed to air, and every living, breathing Dog shows, in my opinion, displays UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and cries out in pain when physically harmed and displays sadness when left alone or abandoned by a human being or even another animal companion. They do so much of the things that we do as human beings, AND WHEN THEY DIE.... I HAVE "SEEN" THEM ON THE OTHER SIDE, IN THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE!

Love and Light!

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