
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"...By aid of a placenta a fertilized ovum is able to form a complete separate new organism-in itself, one would think, a suffiently extraordinary fact." Sir Oliver Lodge

I wish to take this time to present some thoughts and excerpts of Sylvan Muldoon, the author of, THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY.
In referrences to his thoughts about the commonalities of The Physical Body having an umbilical cord at birth and The Non-Physical Body having an astral cord at death.  He said:
"It has always occurred to me as inconsistent for the sceptic to refer to birth as natural, and astral projection as supernatural, when he can explain neither.  It is merely this:  What we call 'natural' is natural only because we have become familiar with it, for even the 'natural' is often inexplicable.
Because he is unfamiliar with the phenomenon of astral projection, the unbeliever scorns the idea on the ground that it is supernatural;  still physical birth, with the body existing at the end of the cord, is called natural, simply because he is familiar with it --- not that it is less mysterious than projection.
But such is the way of the human mind!  The supernatural, undoubtedly, does not exist.  It is the unfamiliar which is called supernatural.  A grain of sand is as mysterious as a planet;  a physical body as mysterious as an astral body;  the unbilical cord as mysterious as the cord-- and wonder at its ability to sustain life, there may be some satisfaction-- or dissatisfaction--in knowing that the astral and umbilical cords are strikingly similar."     More later...........


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