
Friday, April 13, 2012


                                                                  The artwork of Artist:    PEDRO RAMIREZ

Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask for.  Keep on looking and you will find.  Keep on knocking and the door will be opened.             MATTHEW 7:7 (NT)

This morning the OBE I experienced was very disturbing to me in that it seemed to answer or suggest the possibility of the where-abouts of my beloved friend in Germany which has been disturbing to me for several months now, since we always kept touch, on a weekly basis?
Since his move and change of job was happening during our last conversation, and his enthusiasm about acquiring a new position in a very reputable hospital as an intensive care supervisor, I was totally surprised when our conversation ended with his promising me that the very next day he would inform me of all that was happening, both with his move to another city and the job.  Having not been able to contact any one that we both had in common there and having tried all options...... I was totally disturbed by my OBE.
My OBE brought me into the presence of both he and another friend who had died and crossed over years ago!  He was meeting him it seemed and so was I.  The unsettling part of this experience was that neither one had known each other in physical reality!
One thing that did interest me was the fact that I had never thought of the idea or related their personalities with being very similar to one another.
During the OBE they never really seemed to send any "thought transference" to me except in greeting my arrival of meeting the both of them......
I remember being more than happy to meet them, BUT, they seemed somewhat "stand-offish and in deep thought???"
I hugged both of them and then the experience was over.
More later..........

Love and Light!

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