
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


"A person who seeks relationships only to gratify his or her own needs, such as his or her own emotional or sexual needs, will find that each relationship is essentially identical, that the people in his or her life are replaceable, that experiences with the first and experiences with the second are essentially the same."  GARY ZUKAV

I continue to get emails from those asking questions about the mysteries of life.  BUT, many seem to be so much of the same:  Those wishing to know answers to their relationships with their mates, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.  Always the same questions, why my divorce, why my major troubles with holding down a relationship, does he or she love me or not, will I always be alone, why am I alone, on and on and on.  All so seemingly trivial compared to the bigger picture!

Early this morning, I woke up and meditated while still in bed and soon found myself slowly and smoothly, leaving my physical body.  Very quickly I found myself gliding down the streets outside of my apartment  westward at a very low level.  My state of being rather sad changed to cheerfulness and energy.  I could hear my thoughts playfully scream out, HYPER-SPEED! hoping I would be taken higher up from the ground and would begin to move faster.  Which happened immediately to my happy surprise!
I found myself high over the buildings and houses below.  I could see very clearly the backyards of many houses.  The sun was shinning bright and it was a beautiful day.  I knew as always that I could ask for any information that I so desired, knowing that there were always "unseen entities" accompanying me on my flight. 
For some reasons, I suppose the questions asked of me above which I preferred to answer and present for those that asked and place here for all to see, rather than individually, could be obtain during this peaceful experience. 
Information given seemed simple and forthcoming without much effort.  I was able to discern that we are "never really alone spiritually", but in the physical it might appear that way since we are so attached to our physical vehicles.  The clarity of how most human defined so many of their relationships with one another based on how extraordinary the sex!!!  Yet, never, never realize this can be a major downfall.  This thought has tremendous validity when we come to realize that we are NOT physical beings in reality.
I understood how so many cannot actually "exist" on the physical plane without the need to have another physical being seen in their eyes as a boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, wife, husband, etc.  Many cannot function on a day to day basis without this being a part of their existence. 
Some of the information already seemed clear to me from life experiences.  Watching so many, including myself in the past, loosing out on so many wonderful opportunities to grow and learn due to the fact that we would always be caught up in so much mundane situations involving our searches and desires for a relationship in order to make our lifes' whole.  Due to the constant and desperate searching 24/7 of attempting to acquire making this a part of our journeys we always unfortunately would make the same, continuous mistakes in doing so.
The thoughts ran quickly through my mind of all those asking me why they were so unhappy about being jilted or abandoned?  I could hear the answers coming to me quickly about how these individuals had given themselves priorities that were destructive to their ongoing journeys.  How we loose track of our true purposes and goals by having them thwarted by our feelings of inadequacies because we felt we were missing out on something that others around us were doing.
Patience, was a thought smoothly slid into my mind.  Priorities was another.  I could see the beautiful mountains approaching me as I glided smoothly towards them in the distance.
The men and women that go into relationships only to be taken care of both emotionally and financially always find failure in the end.  None of the predicaments I have been presented with are in reality "complexed" to me.  Observations from decades make things very simple.  (The failed situations become repetitive!)  Some judge others as being nothing but Prostitutes, in general, we can all be performing as so called prostitutes when taking one thing in return for another.  One person asked me why the relationship was fading due to the partner finding interest in someone else?  The answer is always simple.  "Open your eyes/mind!"  You are now physically older and the "new one" is physically younger.  You wasted your youth on an illusionary relationship on your part to shorten your journey and you refused to remove your blinders.  Some emails I read contain so much about "the money".  One had and one had not... Too blind to "see" one buys, but when the product becomes tarnished, a new product is desired.  By becoming so shallow, we loose all touch with our spirituality. We become very distanced and out of touch from our true needs.    
I realized that as Gary Zukav has said,  Authentic needs are the needs that are always met by the Universe. 
During our journeys, while attempting to learn and grow as much as possible, there will always be distractions that will be devious and distracting that we might be fooled into believing that they are unseen messages from unknown sources, and so many of us will believe they are "inspirational" and, they are not!  We are being fooled and coerced by our limited thinking that still exist within us and has not yet been "fine tuned".   Unfortunately, when this happens, we take ten steps forward and fifteen steps backwards without realizing it. 
I notice that one thing that people who write to me and even ask me in person that always seem to get the same reactions from them all....  They are never willing to believe how difficult it is to change our thoughts from our old thoughts to developing new thoughts!  Their silence of upon hearing this news is thick enough to cut through with a knife!  How do I know this?  I too am a Human Being traveling in a physical vehicle.  Experience speaks with tremendous volume. 
I suddenly found myself very high above the earth below, but only for a few seconds it seemed and then suddenly without warning, I began to come down, closer to the ground.  My efforts to ascend were useless, I began sliding backwards, and what seemed like seconds, I was back in my body!                      More later..................

Love and Light!

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