
Sunday, November 13, 2011


Today, I am feeling my Sambo is doing OK!  (Because I am feeling a little bit more stable about things at the moment).
About the mysterious information I related to you about the electricity in the kitchen the following morning.  I am almost sure now, that it was a RAT that stepped on the breaker on the counter connected to those items.  Maybe???  Because this morning a loaf of bread left nearby was "munched into" by something left out of place.  Aahahhahahahah! 
There were two rats recently that made their way into the apartment, via the pantry door I believe, and have been here for awhile, until I caught one in a trap.  I know there were two of them because they ran past me one day while I was next to the bathroom leading off of the kitchen.  They appeared the size of big guinea pigs to my surprise.  I remember one got away, immediately, BUT, I slammed the bathroom door when he ran in and the other one was left trapped outside the door next to me.  I was so alarmed that I just kept jumping up and down and thinking I was going to get rid of it???  BUT, it just stood on two hind legs looking at me, as if to say, COULD YOU PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR FOR ME TO GET IN?  Which for some stupid reason, I DID!  And it just ran in and disappeared?  Sambo was on the floor nearby, and never even moved a bit.  He only lifted his head gently and then put it back on the floor.  (That made me so sad.  He would usually come running and knock me out of the way with his body attempting to catch whatever he thought was in question.)
In any case, the huge trap I got, captured the rat one morning.  It caught his tail.  It was yelling very loud.  It was more frightened than hurt.  It was taken far away in the car to the woods and released.
Evidently, "the partner in crime" still roams the kitchen freely until captured hopefully.
I would like to believe Sambo "crossed-over" calmly and peacefully and was released from the agony of physical pain and was not traumatized in doing so, and did not  attempt to find his way back home via the kitchen.  I will believe that my OBE was valid in that just as always, when I woke up in the mornings, Sambo was there to not only "greet me", but as I described in my previous blog, he was once again very whole and happy to be his old self again, and..... FREE!
Interesting that OLGA told me upon calling, that the day Sambo was leaving me, that WEISKIE was "whimpering" a very strange sound and for no reason at all, THE THOUGHT OF SAMBO CAME INTO HER MIND? (Always whenever I go to visit Weiskie, he begins to pace and whimper when I am within 15 to 20 minutes nearby.  Olga was familiar with this sound, BUT, this "whimpering" was different, more of a "crying?")
Now I think of my past  good times with Sambo.  I also think of the OBEs I had where both Sambo and Weiskie were with me on some rather playful adventures!  They being involved in a few of my Out of Body Experiences should possibly confirm to me, that they both were very much aware of the OBEs.... 
More later..............                              


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