
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Metaphysical Buffoons are like Politicians.  You never really know when they are lying to you!   Marshall Hill

I wish to take this time to present some thoughts I have about those who wish to learn and experience as much as possible about Metaphysics and The Out of Body Experience.
Please note that all I attempt to present to you are primarily, my thoughts!  I wish to share my experiences with all of those interested, because I sincerely feel that they are informative to those who wish to share what I have come to believe are truths about we as human physical entities residing on this magnificent planet.
Recently I became aware that there are those who discover various Spiritualists who have given wonderful and astounding thoughts about how we exist as human beings and how it is possible to achieve various things that will enhance our existence in the physical.  Unfortunately, I have come across those that have decided that ONE person is the ultimate authority and rather than discern their teachings or information, they begin to see this person as a GOD?  (This is one way to indirectly find one's self creating a CULT?)
It is my personal belief that when one does this, they are acting no different than that of a so called, RELIGIOUS FANATIC!  This becomes both harmful to themselves and to others that they wish to share their information and thoughts in developing our higher awareness.  Rather than "share" they begin to confront individuals with very pompous and higher than thou attitudes and sweep, sometimes unknowingly, compassion under the rug.
I will give you a few examples.  Once we discover that most if not all physical ailments come to us by our own invitation, (I will call the perpetrator a BUFFOON) The Buffoon will lash out at the stricken individual and immediately accuse them of bringing on their suffering and pain themselves. This type of individual might sometimes slowly begin to loose track of his or hers original intentions and begin to display delusions of grandeur.  It is my opinion that there is a time and place for everything.  In the presence of an individual in despair, pain and suffering, it is not the correct time to remind them or even suggest this to them......  By doing so at this time would be considered cruel and abusive.
To me it becomes no more or less than that of a Bible Thumper, attacking the victim with quotes from The Bible.  This would start to make one's knowledge of spiritual compassion a very cold hearted attack.  This Buffoon becomes highly critical and judgemental.  (We must never forget, THE UNIVERSE IS NOT JUDGEMENTAL)
A Higher Entity always shows UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  It is my belief that even The Christ sometimes showed how he sometimes would react to difficulties while traveling in his human physical vehicle.  While attempting to raise our consciousness and learn our lessons on the earth we would do well to not consider ourselves failures if we sometimes fall short due to the fact that we are still HUMAN BEINGS.
We must always remember that we all have the capacities to open our metaphysical gifts.  To achieve those that we wish to learn, such as the one I primarily am basing these blogs to you on from my own experiences.
There is also something else we must learn when doing so..... We must learn to "discern" that which others might inform us of in references to that which we wish to learn.
Beware of those that present you with "higher than thou" presentations of that which only they can do or know and your acquiring these abilities will have limitations!  (Not true!)
I sincerely say to you, that even though I had the experiences of being able to project for many decades, I have NEVER seen or heard some of the elaborate "science fiction/alienation" types of things those have mentioned either in person to me or in their books.  Oh, but in physical reality, YES, I have "seen" many of them in the movies and on television!  (Scripted by terrific imaginations).  Does that mean that they do not exist?  Absolutely not.... BUT, you will after having a number of experiences come to have opened a sense that you might not have been using to its' fullest.  Some call it, The Sixth Sense.  When this is opened wide, you will no longer believe without "discernment".
Example:  I remember after maybe 20 years of having OBEs, a few people expressed to me that on their very first or third projection, that they had met their so called, "Spirit Guides"  knew their names, had been taken to various higher dimensions of existence, were given information that ONLY God would know, etc.

I found it extremely interesting and very LOVING during several passages in The Bible when Christ would present to an individual "why" they were experiencing a particular disease or illness or handicap, while at the very same moment HEALING that individual with a touch of his hand or a glance of his eyes!  This was truly a display of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!  In reality, this was the greatest Metaphysician of all time.  He did say something very interesting at one point about his feats of supernatural powers.  He said, " YOU will do even greater things!"
More later............

Love and Light!

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