
Thursday, May 5, 2011

11811? OR 11/8/11 OR 11+8+11=12??? MY MOST RECENT OBE

I would like to start by thanking all of those whom have been in touch with me and also to mention to you all, that I as promised, will get back to everybody as soon as possible.
Recently, I had an OBE that was one that I would consider an UNCONTROLLED OBE.  (Very unexpected and without any control over what was happening to me)  This sometimes happens when I am being "shown" something.  Unfortunately, I did not find it 100 % comfortable due to its' contents.
I found myself sitting in the middle of what I would consider a river or tremendous body of dark and rugged waters.  I seemed to be sitting on a rocking platform which made me somewhat nervous since I am not a very good swimmer.  Suddenly, I became very much aware of where I was located in the waters....I realized I was facing south towards Staten Island.  The location became promptly familiar.  I have lived in Brooklyn Heights for quite a few years and I sensed The Brooklyn Bridge behind me.  I was located in The East River and very near to The South Street Seaport/Pier 17 and the location became very familiar to me in that I had view it for more than 25 years when walking outside of my gallery on to the deck outside just a few feet from the gallery.  Yes, this was very familiar territory to me, BUT, at this moment a very disturbing situation seemed inevitable?   
I looked ahead in front of me, first to my right.  I saw the most beautiful and awesome city that I had ever seen in my life!  It was lit up with beautiful colorful lights.  I really could not describe in words how beautiful the images were and how viewing them seemed to give me the most wonderful feelings inside myself.  This was somewhat of a skyline, BUT, unlike any skyline I had ever seen in physical reality or in photographs.  I just gazed at it and lingered in an almost relaxed state, forgetting the uncomfortable balance I was experiencing sitting on and holding on to this platform.
Without reason, my head suddenly turned to my left and I saw a completely different scene next to the city on my right, and the two views were seamless in appearance!
To my left, it was very gray and stromy.  The water shook the platform that I sat on.... It seemed like a storm and the entire waters had risen to a very high level.  Directly in front of me, only what seemed like a few hundred feet was a huge item.  A gigantic stone sculpture, which I had viewed hundreds of times from a distance in my past from the deck.  Only a part of it was being displayed to me.  The rest of it seemed to be under water and that which I saw was slowly sinking also.  I definitely was shown the crown of THE STATUE OF LIBERTY.  (Half of it slanted downwards to my right under water, the other half on my left, seemed to be sinking slowly, giving only enough time for me to see it).  My eyes moved slightly more to my left and a tremendously huge Toombstone was facing in my direction and what surprised me the most, I might have mentioned this earlier in my previous blogs, I have never really been able to READ anything that was printed?  BUT, there was an epitaph on this toombstone and I just stared at the engravings on it and was able to READ IT ?  The toombstone was gray stone and it was huge!  Engraved on it was:  11811.  That was all that was written on it?  As in the past with my OBEs when I am unsure of the message being shown to me, as Mother suggested to me in the past, JUST GIVE IT TIME.....IT WILL CLARIFY ITSELF TO YOU.
So far, I have only reviewed the image of the engravings and run it over and over in my mind.  DOES IT MEAN,  NOVEMBER 11, 2011?  (A toombstone definitely has dates on it?)  Should I add the numbers, to come out to be "12" which they do.  Is this, 2012?
With time, as in past experiences, this will become clearer to me. 
After having been witness to all of this, suddenly, I became slightly fearful, since the platform I was sitting on keeled over to the left and I slid off into the heavy waters and frightfully went under the dark waters and back into my physical body in my bed and my astral eyes were closed and my physical eyes opened.  I felt safe.  BUT, within seconds it seemed I went into another uncontrolled OBE.  I found myself standing in my bedroom and looking at the two window in front of me near my bed.  I have seen snow storms before, BUT, nothing like this one out the windows.  IT WOULD BE WHAT I WOULD CONSIDER A BLIZZARD!  I could see nothing outside the windows except the snow being blown by a tremendous wind.  I looked at my night stand and my desk and it seemed that snow had even gotten inside and was beginning to freeze these items.  All I could do was move quickly towards the windows and make sure they were secure, BUT, I knew or sensed that something was happening that was devastating!!!
The thoughts raced through my spirit........THIS IS BAD, THIS IS VERY BAD, IT IS LIKE NOTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!
Once again, I was drawn backwards and into my physical body in my bed..... My astral eyes were closed, and my physical eyes opened......The sun was very, very bright coming into the windows and I found out the temperature was 72 degrees that day.
More later................

Love and Light!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could the "8" have actually been a colon so it read 11:11? Not that it helps even if it was. Still, I don't consider myself psychic and have yet to have a successful OBE but lately I have been feeling a strong pull towards Wyoming or Montana. I told my husband that if California falls into the water that I'm hopping in the car and driving. I hope that we have the ability through collective consciousness to bring about positive changes instead of negative ones. But it's impossible for even a slightly sensitive person not to feel a shift already occurring.