
Thursday, June 17, 2010


Again I wish to take this opportunity to suggest to you some very interesting reading material in relation to all that I share with you here on my blog.
Years ago when I was sharing one of my first apartments with a roommate, I was fortunate enough to become very close friends with someone who entered into my life as a roommate who was an aspiring Architect (actually, a brilliant one!)  Besides learning so much from him about architecture, I was fortunate enough to learn a great deal about a man named, EDGAR CAYCE, also known as, THE SLEEPING PROPHET.
(I would like to recommend your researching this man on the Internet).
My friend knew everything and anything about this man and he constantly referred so much information about him to me.  I always listened and ask questions about all that he told me, BUT, regretfully, I believe at the time, I was vaguely interested.  I believe I was in my infancy as a "searcher" of the paranormal.
Edgar Cayce was able to diagnose various illness many times to people he had never met in person.  He also was able to prescribe medical treatments.  He had no medical training.  He was an amazing clairvoyance and usually revealed information while in trance (sleep).  Information relating to medical conditions were not his only gift.  He was able to give predictions of the future to come.  Information on Religion and psychic experience.  He informed about the so called, "mysteries of the mind" and Reincarnation and the mysterious and much debated existence of ATLANTIS.
I highly recommend his volumes of information during these times we live in presently.  Also, there is great insight given in what we might expect in the near future!
You will discover one of the most incredible human beings that lived on this earth several years ago here in The United States. 
Recently I noticed something very interesting.  I will relate it to something I remember reading in The Holy Bible.  At a particular time during the life of Christ, there were so many that were shocked by his astounding abilities.  Yet, Christ once said, that in time, "We" too would be able to perform such incredible feats.  This statement was brought to my attention recently when I noted something Mr. Cayce said in his writings.  He stated that in time, "We" too would acquire the ability to do or "see" the things he was able to do.
More later,

Love and Light!

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