
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Before I relay some thoughts to you, I would like to first suggest two very interesting people that I have found extraordinarily interesting on the subject of Metaphysics and OBES,etc.
INGO SWANN is an Artist and Author of excellent books and HAROLD SHERMAN, a writer who wrote really terrific books revealing lots of information on this subject.  Check out their names and find their contributions on the Internet if you wish.
Mr. Sherman said something very interesting in one of his books.  He said that do not believe that any person who has psychic abilities is going to "stand-out" above or in the crowd.  He said, you would be very surprised to find that they can be the most ordinary of all people that are aware and possessing these gifts!
Recently, I have become tremendously aware of some things that have been transmitted to me by my studies.  IN ALL PROBABILITY, THERE WILL BE NO INFORMATION GIVEN TO US, UNLESS WE "ASK" FOR IT.  I have come to learn that it is pointless to attempt to have good intentions to relay information that I have been given that I believed would help others will only be a waste of energy if they are not "asking" you for help or for information.  (In all probability due to the fact, that none of us really want to hear anything that is not exactly what we want to hear or know!)  It took time and still is sometimes a glitch for me, but with constant observations and experiences, one learns this FACT.
I never ever thought or wanted to ask the question as to WHY I WAS THE WAY I WAS AS A PERSON DEEP INSIDE MY SOUL.  I felt this strange and confusing trouble within my spirit, but never could put my finger on it?  The bouts of depression and feelings of loneliness and despair that would crop up were a mystery to me. I really thought that I was always laughing and being silly and happy. reality, I was existing most of the times, in a fantasy world created by my own imagination.
But as I might have mentioned earlier, it was not until without any preparation on my part or planning on my part, that during one of my OBES, upon immediately ejecting from my physical body, I yelled out  to The Universe:  WHY AM I THE WAY I AM??????
And within what seemed less than seconds, I seemed to be lifted up into the night time sky filled with stars and pushed or carried on a journey!  I could not actually "see" who or what was guiding me through the sky, but I could feel the wind in the dark night passing me as I was taken somewhere.  I also could sense, but not "see" that behind me, someone was escorting me on this journey.
When we arrived, I was shown more real than a movie, but I was actually "in" the movie to witness, I HAD BEEN TERRIBLY ABUSED AND MOLESTED AS A YOUNG CHILD!
All of these years without answers and now it was either as simple as asking the question OR the question was answered when I was prepared to receive it.  A time that my higher self had decided that I would be able to address this issue in the proper way.  A time when I would be able to deal with this answer in a sensible and clear and level headed way without DENIAL to THE TRUTH!
We all know the saying, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!  Yes, I pass this information along to all who wish to ponder this......THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!  If not, you will remain a prisoner of this for lifetimes to comes until you are able to address it and then move forward on this mysterious journey!
More later.......

Love and Light!

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