
Monday, January 25, 2010


Hi=) I promise you that we all have one or several "gifts" given to us when coming here to the Earth plane of existence. We just have to practice and fine tune them.
Several people have contacted me requesting so called, "Readings". I don't do that. Also there have been those requesting that I solve their life problems by giving them "hidden information" that they cannot "know" or "see". Again, I am not qualified to assist you with those queries. But I have repeated myself, with answers to some by saying, ALL THAT YOU WISH TO FIND OUT IS "WITHIN" YOURSELF, WAITING TO RESPOND TO YOUR MANY QUESTIONS!
The Universe is wonderful and perfect in its' presentation of what we are given to work with and what we are prevented from being involved in due to our level of accepting and knowing what is comfortable for us.
Many, many answers to my questions and many interventions of protection have come my way. BUT.......they have all come from a dimension where those that are or were a part of the "group" I am a part of....both before coming here and while existing here. Many continue to keep contact when having "crossed over" and I feel extremely blessed by their "watching and protecting my ass!" Aahahahahah!
Please permit me to take the liberty here to answer a question that I have been asked several times by people in contact with me. "MARSHALL, CAN YOU SPEAK TO THE DEAD?" The answer is, "NO. NOT IF THEY ARE EARTHBOUND!" Most whom have contacted me or helped me in various ways are those that are definitely on "The Other Side". They are not "Earthbound". The Earthbound ones are people that have not yet "crossed over" due to various reasons. And they are "disturbed" about something unfinished here or things that they refuse to let go of that remain here on earth. They are usually unsettling, angry, subject to playful trickery or constant attempts at frightening you or me by playing, I will call them, Ghost Games.
I personally cannot speak to them. I believe the reason for this is that I am not developed or stable enough to deal with them in any way. They require the communications of those far more advanced than myself. I know very well that I am continuing at this point to work on my own emotional problems and worldly issues. In order to deal with them, one must be very advanced in my opinion. Due to the fact that they are able to "play on your imagination and alter your energy if you are not strong enough to adapt and know much about the paranormal activities around us".
Yes, I "see" Spirits that come to me and speak to me and support me. Yes, I know when they are with me or around me and their intentions thus far in my earthly existence has always been good intentioned.
The other day I was in conversation with my close friend and she and I discussed an incident that happened to me in the not too distant past. I have been a collector of Angel Statues for a long number of years. Most of them always hung in various parts of my apartment. They were all very prominently displayed in different rooms. One week......yes, it all happened in exactly one week. Suddenly, just "out of the blue?" They began to fall off of the walls. One by one. In each room. Nothing else on the walls had fallen, only the Angels. And to my surprise, because I was beginning to believe when this happened I was always alone in the rooms, that this was co-incidence or my imagination or what??? Someone was in the apartment during the time a couple fell from the wall on separate occasions and looked at me and really laughed out loud and said, YOUR ANGELS ARE ALL FALLING OFF OF THE WALL. EVERY TIME I COME HERE NOW ONE FALLS??? I was speechless and just so confused??? I believe I might have joked and said, MAYBE YOU ARE BRINGING SOME OF YOUR "ATTACHED" FRIENDS WITH YOU?"
Here is my conclusion: Someone wanted me to leave! 8 years living there and someone wanted me to leave.....Not a Ghost. But the energy of someone very strong wanting me to depart.
It was very interesting to me that shortly after that time, unrelated circumstances caused me to have to depart from that apartment?
More later..............
Love and Light!


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