
Friday, March 11, 2011


If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions.  If you want to know your future, look into your present actions.    CHINESE PROVERB

I really had no idea that the world would change so much within my own lifetime.  During my OBEs I have discovered that not only will it change in simple and every day things, but that the changes will be monumental with various catastrophic events leading up to this enormous change.
Even if all of the major changes heading in our direction during the time remaining of my own physical lifetime here on the planet, they will happen within the near future.
Some of the signs and events have already began.  (Much to my surprise!)
As I have mentioned previously in my blogs, all that will happen and will come to a physical reality here will be by our own consciousness.  Our powerful thoughts are manifesting themselves into material matter.
I wish to share an experience I had within the past couple of days. Going to bed the other night I put my head on my pillow and glanced out through my bedroom windows into the clear night skies.  Without being alarmed and finding myself very relaxed, I realized suddenly that I was staring up into the dark sky at a very bright white light?  (I smile to myself as I relay this information to you due to the fact that I have always considered myself a total Non-Believer in UFOs)
I found myself unable to take my eyes off of the bright white light in the distant sky.  I thought to myself:  IS THAT SUPPOSE TO BE THE NORTH STAR?  Immediately the next question came into my mind:  MARSHALL, HOW CAN IT BE THE NORTH STAR IF YOU ARE FACING "SOUTH?"
I continued to wonder.  Maybe it is a plane? My next question to myself was:  CAN PLANES ACTUALLY REMAIN STILL FOR THAT LONG???  I watched it for some time and tried to find many logical answers for myself.  Suddenly, I thought to myself (as I laughed out loud to myself) IS THIS SUPPOSE TO BE ONE OF THOSE UFOs?  The sky was so clear and black and this solo light stood there without movement.  I continued to stare.  By this time I was standing at the window just staring at it.  Then slowly I headed backwards into my bed on my back and rested as I continued to gaze at it.  Still it remained still in the same position. 
Once again I got up from the bed and walked over to the window and began staring at it for a longer time.  Then, suddenly, a great idea came into my mind.  I WILL GO AND GET MY BINOCULARS AND TAKE A CLOSER LOOK!  As quickly as the thought came into my mind, another more dramatic thought entered my mind, OH MY GOD!  ARE THEY WATCHING ME?  ARE THEY STARING AT ME AS I STARE AT THEM? CAN THEY SEE ME???  I felt paralyzed both physically and mentally for a moment.  I quickly made another decision.  NO BINOCULARS.  I WILL JUST EASE BACK OVER TO MY BED AND TRY TO BE DISCREET.  (I was giggling to myself at this point, because I thought I was definitely becoming hysterical or loosing my mind?)  Back in bed resting, I continued to stare.  Within seconds, it just jumped out of sight!  Gone.  I did not give it too much thought until the next morning when I woke up and doing my usual routine of turning on the radio.  Within minutes having turned on the radio, (the station is usually set to a Talk Radio station) a man in Brooklyn was calling in to talk about the night before how he had been very surprised at seeing a bright light standing still in the sky and he was excited since it looked strange to pull out his cell phone and use the cam to video it.  The conversation held my interest due to the fact that not only had this happened the same time it happened to me the night before, BUT he insisted that, HE DID NOT BELIEVE IN UFOs!  But this for some reason blew his mind and he was compelled to record it.  Interesting....................
I will continue with MORE LATER.......


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