
Friday, December 17, 2010


My thoughts and ideas of the possibilities of your outcome of being a person of adoption are equal or similar to my own in relationship to my various situations that I had or have come to find answers to during my OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES!
They are related to our SACRED CONTRACTS.  The plans we made before coming to this dimension.
My close and beloved friend and confidant during many of my OBES (Gerard, I referred to him in past blogs) once told me about an experience he had during an OBE while we were comparing notes.
During his travels into an astral plane, he found himself in the presence of what he could only refer to as "students" entering and leaving a "school".  They carried what appeared to be "folders containing various papers" and books.  He said, they seemed to find him somewhat strange since he was asking so many questions about things that seemed "natural" to them.....
During our discussion we both concluded that he had entered a different plane of existence that was somewhat different from earth as we know it.  "They were learning something quite different from reading and writing and math"  On observation, he also got the impression that they were "making various plans".
Keeping this in mind and my various other blogs, I would like to ask you to THINK ABOUT THE POSSIBILITIES I WILL PRESENT TO YOU NOW:
Is it possible that you might have made somewhat of a prepared contract about what you might do while visiting this earth plane depicting the various situations you and others would create in order to evolve spiritually?
We usually make our plans/contracts with other spirits that have traveled with us for eons of time.  Spirits that we have loved us dearly and we have loved them also the same.  (We have decided to help each other on our various journeys through time and space).
Is it possible that our roles were REVERSED in previous visits here or to similar planes such as Earth?  Is it possible that you put your child up for adoption in a previous lifetime and you felt confused or concerned in some way about this and decided with that same entity on the spiritual plane to return and experience and understand all of the both physical and emotional aspects of that existence?
Did you feel that by arranging this contract with another that the two of you would evolve tremendously by exchanging roles and coming to "know" how or what your soul would "feel" during this time?
What better way to know and feel than to be in "opposite bodies?"  Also, remember this, when we are acting with our true selves, we are not acting with physical or human feelings.  We are acting with our HIGHER SELF.  Therefore, unless we are really aware that our actions performed with our LOWER SELVES is completely different from those of our HIGHER SELVES.  On a higher plane of existence, we will make decisions that are much more advanced than those we make here when arriving with what one might call, A VEIL OF FORGETFULNESS?
I once again would highly recommend that all reading this blog, attempt to get a copy of the CD by DR. CAROLINE MYSS entitled, SACRED CONTRACTS.  Since discovering the words of Dr. Myss and having the abilities to travel about on the astral planes of existence, that I am blessed to be able to capture the understandings of the "whys" of my physical existence on the earth plane.
I found myself NOT giving in to RESISTANCE.  Not relying totally on the thoughts of others, BUT, going WITHIN, and finding out what MY spirit was whispering to ME......and only to ME at those moments.  I found that by not giving into not only the FEARS of my own self, but the FEARS of those around me who seemed to attempt to have me think or feel as they felt about human life!  
I firmly believe that we must ALL search and hope to find the answers to so many of the mysterious situations we have been subjected to on this planet that will definitely help us to evolve into much more powerful spirits, rather than continuing to sit around or run around, accusing other souls/people of any or all situations that we find ourselves enduring here that we have decided without "clarifications" to cause us to act as such pathetic VICTIMS!  We are not VICTIMS, we are entities choosing to learn!  The harder the lessons we take on and overcome, the higher we evolve!
Yes, it is very easy to say, but much harder to do!  When I sometimes view the world from my eyes, I realize how difficult it might be for us HUMANS to LOVE ONE ANOTHER than it is to fill ourselves with hatred and create weapons of destruction.  To lash out at one another with hurtful words by some control freak out of hell, Aahahahhaha!.....and by the way, you do know that "hateful and hurtful words are the same as destructive weapons!  And those words have a "ripple effect" that fly across the universe like rockets and affect other human souls.  In my eyes there is not much difference in LOWLY EVOLVED souls randomly setting off bombs hoping to destroy innocent bystanders, due to the fact that you or me have "different" belief systems unlike theirs.  Their is no LIGHT coming from this entity. Only DARKNESS.  Why should you or I be the "same?"  Every individual created is a form of ART.  Created by an Artist beyond any of our comprehension on this level.   Even when it breaks my heart to know these things, I always hear the words in my head, the big question asked by an Entity that is higher evolved than any and all of us can imagine, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME?  Will this lowly evolved creature be able to really stand up tall and reply, WELL, I DESTROYED QUITE A FEW OF THE PIECES OF ART "YOU" CREATED.....INCLUDING MYSELF!
Approaching us all now are very special holidays, and I will feel blessed when I am able to send a special gift out, by looking up into the skies above me and saying to that magnificent star studded space, I LOVE YOU!
More later..........


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