
Friday, November 26, 2010


I would like to take this opportunity to recommend an article presently on the Internet about a woman named, ALICE HERZ-SOMMER.
Title of news article, FOR HOLOCUST SURVIVOR, LIFE IS STILL BEAUTIFUL.  She is a former concert pianist, who celebrates her 107th birthday today!
For most of my life, every time I came in contact with the word, HOLOCUST (The one involving the Jewish People in the world).  It seemed to always take me at least five minutes to pull myself together from having "very sad and dark feelings" in my heart.  I just really found it so difficult to imagine "one human being" creating this kind of pain to so many other living innocent souls on this planet??? (The name of the man who planned these painful and hateful acts was the first to come to mind, when I first discovered the term, ANTI-CHRIST). 
Here is a beautiful soul who will bring a "Light" to any of those who choose to read about her journey during this horrible time of our civilization.

Love and Light!

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