
Thursday, May 6, 2010


While being involved in this tremendous legal battle, another major lesson learned is that we cannot and should not actually "hate" or take on cruel attitudes towards those that are considered, THE DEFENDANTS.  THEY believe just as we do that what they have done or are doing is proper for them in their journey.
Sometimes when we look around and see that others are in a position that seems superior or more lucrative than ourselves, we tend to find ourselves really having great feelings of animosity.  We have to take the time to really contemplate what is actually going on at this time.  That it is not really what it appears to be, when we do not give it great moments of thought and open our minds very wide.
Examples:  I noticed very quickly that there was much hatred for ALL of The Defendants. (Members of The Corporation) As a group, we Plaintiffs were to be automatically programed to despise the defendants.  Wrong!  How do you despise ALL, if you had been in a good relationship with some for so many years?  Due to the fact that these members of the corporation had been considered the "enemy" to the case, did not make the person "different" in my eyes as those who had been considered by me friends and good human beings for so many years.  The so called, BEING OF LIGHT does not necessarily dislike US less or love us less, but might have negative feelings towards OUR ACTIONS, rather than we as loved ones.
These feelings came upon me very naturally it seemed.  I immediately realized that there had to be a separation in how I was to approached my outlook on these issues.
In other words, IT BECAME APPARENT TO ME THAT THERE NEEDED TO BE A SEPARATION OF FEELINGS/EMOTIONS.  I was naturally "seeing" that NONE OF THE SITUATION COULD BE TAKEN "PERSONALLY".  I also was impressed by the fact that during my observations of the Attorneys in action, they were practicing this and doing a brilliant job.  I was also moved and excited at the fact that with time, the majority of the rest of my group had evolved into realizing this as time went along with the case. (These were amazing observations to me due to the fact that I was "learning" how objective, in spite of who the Attorney was representing was approaching the situation)  A thought:  In the world, if there exist a Higher Being (and I do believe there is a God) would this Being display unconditional love or would this particular Being be bias?  I was raised a Christian.  One of my questions/thoughts that occurred during these procedures was this:  As being taught that The Christ was The Son of God.  Was The Christ representing US in the capacity of OUR ATTORNEY? My thoughts were going wild during this learning process.  And continues to do so. 
Example:  To observed the severity and hostility of the actual facts during a particular deposition of a member of the corporation being interrogated by our attorneys and while all of the plaintiffs sat by and observed the deposition "poker faced" and then at break-time, run over and laugh and greet the *defendant warmly and lovingly was a huge demonstration to me, that these were "evolved" human spirits!  (*Before the deposition, the defendant in question, had been absent from our presence for many, many months).
I am presenting a very minuscule part of the program here at the Earth School.  Because this is something that with keen observation we would be able to relate to major world events. 
It becomes very clear eventually that how we operate in and around the world is based on how we "SEE" the world and its' inhabitants.  Our expressions of LOVE are not expressed materialistically.  It is expressed by how we feel from within ...... our Spirits. 
We will not save the world or its' people by giving millions of dollars or making great demonstrations of gifts and circumstances.  Those " that have much" can give very "easily" when they contribute monetary gifts. (To all those that are feeling useless and inferior, due to the fact you believe you cannot contribute much to a world of despair.  Fear not!  Did you know that the time you casually "smiled" at the nervous person sitting next to you in the emergency waiting room in the hospital, was worth A TRILLION DOLLARS!  And guess what else about that smile.....The person you "smiled" at CAN TAKE THAT "SMILE" WITH THEM WHEN THEY DEPART FROM THIS EARTH! You lovingly and without limitations, transferred  a "Spiritual Feeling" to that person )  Adopting thousands of homeless children from various nations does not change the world the way it needs to be changed to a better place.  You ask now, what am I saying???  What I am saying is this:  DURING THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY, YOU WILL FIND OUT, THAT TO CHANGE THE WORLD, OR ANYTHING AROUND YOU...............WE MUST CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS!  WE MUST CHANGE THE WAY WE THINK AND "SEE" THE WORLD!  YOU WILL DISCOVER THAT IT IS NOT THE MONIES THAT ARE TRANSFERRED.......BUT WHAT IS PROJECTED FROM OUR SPIRITS/SOULS!
More later about this........

Love and Light!

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