As a young boy, I feared death tremendously, and continued to do so throughout my teens. I believe most of these feelings were derived from my religious upbringings having doctrine such as this instilled in my mind that only those that accepted the "unseen" God and harbored enormous "fears" of being struck down or sent directly to Hell if and when we dared to do anything that had been indoctrinated into me that this creator/higher entity found distasteful on my part.Now, due to my tremendous amounts of non-physical experiences, I have come to discover how traumatic such teachings can distort a human beings entire spiritual/physical life on this planet.

The illustration that I posted above of the boy in mid-air attempting to open a door, was something I saw some time ago while browsing and instantly brought to mind "myself" as a small boy each and every night experiencing "unprovoked" OBES and at that time only believing them to horrendous, horrifying nightmares!!! But even presently after many decades later, I continue to remember and visualize with great clarity, an OBE that I found myself believing was a total nightmare, calming down at the moment when something occurred within it...... In front of me appeared an image of that which I had always been told of what "The Devil" looked like......To my surprise, the entity did not move.....It just stared at me in stillness? I kept looking at it and as I did so, I began to realize something strange.....It was just a made up image and the more I stared at it, the more, not only "unreal" it became, but when examining the details of the image.... It appeared to me as the picture of a stupid, bully that would not move! It looked dumb and stupid? At that time in my life, I did not realize totally that I was being given a "message" from "unseens?" But presently during my physical life having focused and searched very hard, I have mastered the out of body experience! I have only recently discovered something else! Having had thousands of OBEs/Astral Projections that have been "provoked" via myself...... I have been experiencing "unprovoked" ones. When these particular ones occur I have always been presented with very specific answers to my pressing questions harbored ongoing and deeply within my soul. These have been happening to me very recently! A major revelation that was showered upon me recently was without much doubt in my mind........The major/powerful answers to my questions/concerns about DEATH!๐ตI wish to share two of them with you, especially to those that harbor "fear" within such as I have during most of my physical life, which has now evolved, due to my OBES into more of that of "timidity", rather than "fear!" Why do I say now, "timidity?" Because as I have mentioned previously during my sharing this journal/blogs about myself... I continue to presently reside in this human vehicle of travel, and in spite of my numerous experiences, I respect that which Socrates said long ago, "I am the wisest man alive for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing!"
One early morning, some time ago, while standing in front of my bedroom windows looking outside and thinking to myself, "Wow! This is going to be a bright , sunshiny day today.....It looks so incredibly beautiful and bright outside this morning. I do not have any pressing work to do today.....I must do something outside it is so beautiful." At which point, I slowly turned myself around and to my surprise!!! I plainly saw my sleeping body with only my head seen from under the covers. At his moment, I telepathically burst out laughing out loud realizing that I was having an OBE , at which time I was instantly slammed back into my physical body in my bed. (By the way, I learned/discovered long ago when mastering OBES that any kinds of sudden emotional out burst would immediately put our astral bodies back into our physical bodies!) When finding myself back inside my physical body at that moment, I immediately began laughing out loud and thinking to myself how natural the entire incident felt to me.... Also, thinking how I was still during this action of standing at the windows... that I was still "ME"๐
Very recently, I sat up in my bed at which seemed like the speed of lightening! As I sat up I could see my entire body enveloped in garments that seemed to be made out of the whitest light I had ever seen in my entire life??? As my body rose up to a sitting position I could hear myself telepathically yelling out into space, "Thank God that nightmare is over! I thought it would never end!!!" As quickly as I said that, I heard a voice (no specific gender?) say, "Would you like to go now?" As rapidly as I heard the voice, I was instantly slammed back into my body in my bed at which time I opened my physical eyes and began to laugh and say, "I guess I am back.....I was out of body and I also did not get a chance to answer that question?"๐Or did I? I wish to mention something I saw on the internet only a few days ago that made me laugh out loud๐When I saw the drawing I thought of myself!!!

(By the way, I very clearly when having these experiences remember something, the same as when having all of my OBES.....As Dr. Albert Einstein once said, "There is no time, we human beings made it up!" Because after my having these OBES whenever I re-enter my physical body and have looked at the time on a clock.......No matter how much was experienced by me during the OBES...... less than a minute or two had transpired on the clock?) For a few weeks I pondered as to what happened during this particular OBE? But, with time and patience (that I always seem lacking in๐) I always remember my Mother once saying to me during one of my unsettling times of wanting to understand something.... "Just be patient....the answers will come to you." She was right. Eventually, one day, intuitively the answer/message clarified itself to me. My higher self, our true "real" spiritual self that is within us all, calmly answered that question for me/my lower self. I reflected on this and knew very well that as always, a part of my nature was always, "a desire to know everything!".....AND at this particular time during my journey on the earth school that I had chosen to come to... I harbored within a desire to at least try to find out what was going to transpire as a result of these perilous moments evolving in this world presently.๐
More later......