I have always mentioned when sharing my projections (OBES) with others the incidents that have occurred for me while doing so, the encounters with those on the other side that caused me tremendous frustrations due to not really comprehending that which I was witnessing???
A major one in particular was, how those residing there would react to my presence? Always, they would display huge grins or laugh out loud (telepathically) or ask the question to my surprise, "What is wrong with you? I am fine!๐" My beloved Mother at that time in the physical here, would always calmly, and gently say to me during my concerns......"Just relax. The answers will come to you eventually." She was always correct!๐Eventually, when I least expected it, someone or something here in the physical world would, for me, clarify without a doubt in my mind, information that would be discerned by me to give clarity and tremendous logic to my ongoing questions!
Recently, when encountering the Woman that shared the following with me and others, for me, it was a revelation of answers for me......๐
"I attempted suicide a couple times and when I got over there I was given the choice to stay or come back. In that space where I was making the decision to stay or go, I had absolute and full understanding of the beautiful task taking place here, I had full understanding of why it was so unbearably difficult, and I chose to stay here.
I am not saying that everyone has this same experience, but I'm saying that when in full understanding, I knew it was a gift to be here... In the future everything is complete. I'm the future, the war on evil is already won! But a few brave souls had to be here in this time to bridge the gap. And by a few, I mean millions and millions!
We are ALL very brave. I tell you truly, to be here on earth at this time, YOU decided to be here.
Many of you, outside of your own awareness, sat down with the creator and volunteered to suffer through earth at this time, to bridge the gap between this timeline and the future one where love defeated pain. You see, you can not get to the future without the now. And we here in the now, we knew the work we'd be doing. We're basically like "fill ins"...........Between the old world and the new one! I hope you could understand what I'm trying to say."
I have heard this similarly expressed somewhere. I believe it to be true; that this planet is one of the most difficult to endure. This time period, I can see. Is also a difficult one. That we chose to come now and here, give me great strength .thank you. We help each other along the way back Home.
LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU on this most difficult journey!
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