
Saturday, July 2, 2011


What has been your past, that will be your future.    Akaranga Sutra.  Book I

As I have stated in my past blogs, I believe there are different levels of existence one can arrive at during OBEs.  Also, I believe that maybe, just maybe we are able to visit various dimensions on earth during time periods, past, present and future.  I also suspect that maybe, just maybe, "everything" exist at the same time!  Both our lives and our surroundings.
When living in Brooklyn, I am convinced, that during several of my OBEs I have visited the places I resided in that particular area both during my past and present.  I believe that I mentioned earlier that I was able to confirm these things by research, viewing legitimate photographs found at The New York Public Library in Manhattan in the research facilities provided to the public.
I am not an expert by any means of physics, but I question to myself the idea of creating any or all illusions of our physical realities and the idea that once created, they remain intact/solid, as if placed in "eternal archives" and can be literally pulled up for what I would consider "re-visiting" when requested by our Higher Self."
Yes, computers are definitely an extension of humans working with another part of the soul/spirit. 
Isaac Newton was unable to "decode" various books, in particular The Holy Bible, in all probability due to the fact that he had not yet "tapped" into a part of his Higher Self?  When humans created and presented the computer, decoding these books became much more possible!  Again I present to you another similarity of how you can have OBEs.
My thoughts are, we have OBEs, NDEs, etc. when we tap into a part of the brain and we connect with The Soul/The Spirit.  We begin to us a part of our True/Real Self.  Our Higher Self!
Being attached to "the material/physical" gives us limitations by setting up barriers, preventing us from recognizing that in reality we are non-physical entities.  Due to the fact that we humans are primarily attached so tightly to our physical, we have lost touch with our TRUE POWERS.  These are far more awesome than those we have created by illusionary methods.  Such as, Money, Sexual Distortions, Weapons of Destruction, just to name a few.
We have, just as the old saying goes, "Arrived here on earth asleep and forgot to wake up!"  We continue to create very lowly evolved illusions of our own makings, using our Lower Self!  My mentioning this particular situation would be better explained at another time when or if I discuss the topic of DUALISM.           More later............

Love and Light!

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