Forget all the worldly knowledge that thou hast acquired and become as a child...then will thou get the divine wisdom. Ramakrishna
I was just informed yesterday, that the morning before, a really terrific person/soul "crossed over to the other side". For sometime I had carried this impending thought in my head the time was approaching that Artie would cross over.
Even when one is given or warned of these things to come, it never seems to sit right with you. I knew him for several years, but came to know him even better in more recent years, due to the fact he was one of the guys as part of "Our Group" carrying the burden of stress involving our on-going lawsuit which I presented in more detail earlier on in one of my blogs.
As I had mentioned also earlier, having the so called, gifts or abilities, I have as a part of me, it has always been a rule for me to try and keep it primarily to myself. As anyone would know, being labeled as a "nut case" is not a good idea.
In spite of this, it does become a part of one's self/personality, and from time to time without thought, we might drop "thoughts" during conversations that people look at you rather strangely and I immediately change the subject!
Having had so many long sit-down conversations with Artie and Jay, his business partner of 40 years, an incident occurred one day while Artie and I were sitting at a lunch table next to one of his businesses at the mall, when suddenly I said something spontaneous without caution "metaphysical". BUT, without missing a beat, I quickly changed the subject......TO MY SURPRISE, Artie brought the conversation to an awkward halt when he said, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? I repeated my last sentence, but he told me to back-track. NOT THAT, BEFORE THAT! Embarrassed, I stumbled through the sentence in question. Artie took the conversation back to that sentence involving metaphysics and suddenly became almost as an attorney during his interrogations of me on the subject. Wow! He surprised me so much! HE WANTED TO KNOW DETAILS!!! It was my discovery of the fact that Artie's mind was functioning like a "computer" and had stored a tremendous amount of data on insightful thoughts! Artie had a terrific sense of humor and sometimes there were those that laughed at him rather than with him due to the fact that they did not really "see" beyond the surface of his thoughts or way of thinking........ (I came to realize that they were far more reaching than most might be aware of...)
Artie and Jay were a team! A team that has been physically separated, but not spiritually! Myself being sometimes, high-strung, nervous or suddenly jumping into the drama arena when things got rough, would get all bent out of shape and speak to Artie and Jay and within seconds, Jay would put it all into a more level headed perspective for me and Artie would promptly say, NOW DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO EAT? COME ON LET'S SIT DOWN AND YOU WILL EAT! I believe sometimes I would come off as a "semi-basket case" during some incidents involving our situation with those legal litigations. And in the mist of it all, Jay and Artie were confident that they had screwed my head back on securely and Artie would look at me and say, OK. NOW MARSHALL, LET'S SIT DOWN AND HAVE SOME ICE CREAM!
Now I am sad that he took off, leaving the planet with unfinished business behind him, BUT, the thoughts keep coming to me, "They are miniscule compared to the journey he is on now.....I bet this whole situation here on this planet/this dimension is being observed by him now with glee. I am intuiting that Artie will stand at his own funeral and make outrageous jokes about the whole scene! He also now knows the "reasons" for our journey with our legal situations and the "simplicities" of it all that neither he nor any of us could/can know now. Artie now knows the "truth" of the entire situation due to the fact that his Higher Self is viewing it all from the perspective that is difficult to achieve within our physical self. The Universal Mind has now revealed to him the clarity of it all and he has now dropped off all of the baggage we acquire while here on the planet. He is now FREE and SAFE!
Those of us who remain here for now, will carry for a time the spiritual pain of his sudden departure, BUT he will always be a part of us, because he will not and cannot be forgotten.......... We will "see" him again! More later...........
Love and Light!
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