
Saturday, June 18, 2011


What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present, and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?
A quote from  A Course in Miracles

I discovered another one of many so called, drawbacks, during my journey on this planet.  These are my thoughts presented to you for consideration. 
This morning during my OBE I was "aware" of how true it is, that we as physical humans do not only have assistance and love within the physical, but from "unseen" entities lovingly supporting us with during our journeys on the earth plane of existence.
During the past several months my spirit has been somewhat shaken by various incidents that suddenly became present during my day to day life.  This can sometimes weaken my abilities to cope.  BUT..... from past experiences, I have always seemed to bounce back and "keep on truckin".
We are not in charge here on this planet to make or decide various assignments given us before arriving here and that becomes one of the glitches during our travels.  We permit our egos to over-ride what has already been decided for us.  By permitting this to take place we will sometimes alter plans without the true knowledge of exactly what we are doing?  In other words, we start to believe or assume without realization that we know better than a Higher Power.
Before I move on, I will clarify that statement just made by once again repeating what I have quoted several times before in my blogs, stated by a Higher Power.  MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS.  MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS!  This is partially what I was referring to in my previous blog about the possibilities of reasons to attempt to move as close as possible to "higher consciousness" when attempting changing or healing both one's self and others.
My thoughts in relationship to this is the incident I was involved in during the aftermath of 9/11.  Standing on a street nearby where I lived within a short distance of the destroyed areas, a woman said to me, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? IT IS SO HORRIBLE!  I replied to her, WE CANNOT REALLY JUDGE OR KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENED.....MAYBE FOR A REASON?  She quickly responded, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? I looked her straight in the eyes and said, WHY WOULD THE CHILDREN BE ANY DIFFERENT FROM THE ADULTS DESTROYED???  She glared at me with disdain!  An example of how we can sometimes ONLY view that which we do not understand with ignorance due to the fact that they are not consistent with our own PERSONAL THOUGHTS/OUR OWN EGOS.
This morning as I found myself in the cataleptic state, I could once again as I had in the past, "feel" electrical energy flowing into my feet on the bed.  Without opening my physical eyes, I seemed to be able to view everything near me with my astral eyes.  My astral view was not 100% clear, but clear enough for me to "see" the figures of two entities massaging or rubbing the soles of my feet!  Actually, one of them was once again manipulating or flexing my feet while another entity seemed to be giving instructions of the process being performed.
The one I assumed to be the instructor appeared more matured and the entity following the information given was much younger in appearance and was operating with what seemed to be tremendous enthusiasm!  I remained with the paralyses in my body until gradually I seemed to return to my physical body.
At this time without more detailed considerations, I am only able to say that I got the impression that I was being rejuvenated or healed!    More later................

Love and Light!

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