
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


(Your) actions are (Your) only true belongings. 
.....The Buddha

I once visited Mini-Mom's house during one of my OBEs in order to confirm some information about my having OBEs.  When my astral body arrived at her house, I found myself in her bedroom standing and watching her sleep on her bed.  I slowly turned my body around in the opposite direction and found myself facing directly into a large mirror above her dresser.  Of course I was in shock, because I would have much preferred to be prepared to view a reflection of my astral body.  But, at the same time, absolutely intrigued by what I saw...... I saw an image of myself which seemed to be adjusting or attempting to form itself together in order to form ME!
It is difficult to describe, but it was ME, but I was not intact?  I saw thousands if not millions of "black and white tiny dots" which seemed to be attempting to hold themselves together to form ME! I was millions and millions of white lights! (It was a more than an interesting experience!)
Years ago while attending one of Betty J. Eadie's (Embraced By The Light) talks, I found a remark she made to one of the people asking questions about her NDE surprising.  The audience member said to her:  "I was told recently by a Medium that I would look at handsome as I do now when I die and crossed over?"  Betty Eadie without even pausing quickly responded, OH WE DO NOT LOOK LIKE THIS!  WHEN I HAD MY NDE, I REMEMBER VERY WELL AT ONE POINT BEING NEXT TO A LAKE.  I SAT DOWN AND LOOKED INTO THE WATER AT WHICH TIME I SAW A REFLECTION OF MYSELF.  I LOOKED TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE REFLECTION AND PHOTOS THAT I HAD SEEN OF MYSELF IN PHYSICAL LIFE.
Some time later when I began to "see" dead people who had crossed over during my OBEs, there was something very interesting about how they first "looked at me" when I first arrived and appeared before description of the expression on their faces were like this:  First a tremendous smile would appear on their faces and then they would quickly gaze my body from head to toe very slowly with what seemed like a
a "look of amazement!"  I got the immediate "feeling" that they were not as much surprised that I had arrived there, BUT, in awe of my "appearance?"
I believe our true selves are pure energy.  It is formed by our personalities.  Good or Bad.  Dark or Light.  Positive or Negative.  This is our true selves that remain intact within and the part of us that is a part of our energies.  At this time I would only be able to suggest that I am using my "Energy and Higher Self" when I am able to discern another human beings' thoughts or attitudes by simply "looking" at his or hers' face and eyes.  Developing our natural abilities gives us the power to achieve this action.  I (We) have the ability to connect to the person in question's energy!  Our energies contain all that we are...  As individuals, one is able to use one's energy like an X-ray device and "see" within not only others, but one's self.
Sight is an amazing thing!  Because it seems to be of great use in physical realities as well as non-physical realities.  My thoughts are, that during my process of having the abilities to simply "look at a person's face" when I am able to "see" all about that person's personality, thoughts, health, past/present and future life... I am "seeing" them with my astral eyes, my energy!
When people ask me questions about psychic abilities, I always preface my replies with this statement, IT'S NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES.  In depth, what I am saying, is that it is not something that is magical or places the psychic in a higher place of being.  It is something that must be developed just as anything else does and it is my belief that all have the tools and need only do the work to develop them..... Lack or interest or laziness and over attachment to physical reality will get us, NOWHERE.  
Here I will present one example to clarify myself.  Spiritual/Psychic Healing.  Some people believe that it is amazing or awesome that they might know someone that professes having the ability of healing by the laying on of hands.  Believing this without in depth information is foolish.  YOU may believe this is a simple act of the person has these abilities.  The fact is, YES, MAYBE.....BUT, the complexities of this act of healing comes with, how much "development" has this person acquired in the license to use these abilities.  I will explain myself more... This person in addition to having the ability to perform this act of healing must first have the spiritual knowledge that the individual receiving his or her's gift is spiritually prepared or deserving of this action?  Will they be interfering or blocking the individuals' journey of advancement?  In other words, is it the correct thing to do in healing this person?  Is there a specific reason for this individual to be experiencing this illness?  This death?  So therefore, The Healer must have the knowledge of the full background on the individual in question as to  Why or Why Not this person should or should not be healed at this time.  My thoughts continue to be, that one of the major flaws in the thoughts of we human beings, is that we truly believe that we are in complete control of how The Universe operates.  We do not.  We must attempt to make contact with The Universal Mind and be assisted during our journeys on this planet.  There are rules and regulations and by changing them to fit into "how we think" or want them to be, is playing a very dangerous thing with our futures. 
Since I am primarily dedicating my blog to THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE, I will not at this time go into detail about another subject in relationship to this, but I would like to give you a suggestion of something you might find of interest.  It is the subject that as I said earlier in my blog that I took many years to "give it a chance" and do some serious investigation.  The subject is that of, REINCARNATION.       More later.............

Love and Light!

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