
Thursday, June 30, 2011


 Recognize what is before your eyes, and what is hidden will be revealed to you...       Gnostic Gospels

This morning I woke up and it was about 6:30 A.M.  As usual my mind drifted off wondering about the day ahead of me and what it would bring or I would create.  As always, I first settled on my morning meditations. 
After completion, I contemplated the many thoughts that had transpired during this time.  Within minutes, I found myself going into the cataleptic state and a very smooth buzzing in my head.  The entire process was not present.  I simply found myself standing in an open meadow.  Beautiful, greener than green!  My astral body seemed to automatically glide around to my left to witness the jubilant dog running fast towards me with it's tail wagging.
IT WAS YURI........  I knew it was him immediately, even though I had not seen or been with him in more than 25 years.
(Yuri was my Siberian Husky whom had spent his entire life with me when I first moved to the city.  From a small puppy to a beautiful adult dog.  I loved him tremendously.  He had been a companion to me for almost 14 years and he had fathered several magnificent puppies, which all went to good homes.  Yuri was strong and powerful.  At the time I lived in a tenement building on the top floor on the upper east side of Manhattan.  Yuri loved being able to sleep on the roof when it snowed.  In the mornings he would come down into the apartment wagging his tail like a big "snow wolf".  We would walk to Central Park just about every single day.  Sometimes a friend would accompany us and we had a thing we did at the lake.  My buddy would stand on one side of the lake and I would stand on the other side of the lake and we would each call to Yuri to "Come!"  He would swim many times back and forth across the lake.  He always had  so much fun running and playing for hours.
Siberian Huskies are known to never bark.  They usually "whine" or become very agitated and pace.  Another trait that caused the government to give up on attempting to use them during the war, was that they did not make good guard dogs or dogs of protection, due to the fact that, all of them are "one man dogs!"  They would only protect their Masters. The government soon found the correct breed, the German Shepard.  Actually, beware of Siberian Huskies if the thought even crosses your mind to attack their Masters.  They will attack you and their major attempt will be, by instinct to go directly for the large vein in the neck... to KILL!  I was grateful to the fact that primarily, you would always be protected just by their appearance.  People are usually very timid about approaching you when one is standing next to you.)
Yuri became ill during his old age.  My heart was very heavy as I watched him deteriorate. It was a very short period of time.  He soon died of Cancer.  Dogs never complain or seem to want you to be concerned when they become ill.  They become very quiet and sleep most of the times, yet continue to try and give you their faithful companionship.  They just seem to fade away..........
This morning watching him running towards me and jumping up and down and seeming to signal me to play with him as in the past, was so surprising.  I was so happy to "see" him and the way he was his "old self" again. He definitely appeared much younger than when I last saw him in my physical presence.  It was awesome!!! was brief.  Within seconds, I sat up in my bed and knew it was over. 
For me when people ask the question, DO ANIMALS LIVE ON IN THE AFTER LIFE?  I find it surprising.  Not because I have "seen" them (I also once found myself in the presence of my dog, Teddy, that was my buddy when I was 9 years old.) but because I still believe that they are without question, entities that are eternal.  THEY ARE DOGS!
I also believe that animals have Out of Body Experiences!  Living animals.  Many times I have found myself involved in some adventure of sorts with my two beloved living dogs today. 
Animals dream just as we do.  They whimper and bark during their dreams.... Sometimes, I wonder about my dog Sambo when I hear him bark in his sleep.  IS HE RUNNING AFTER A SKUNK OR CAT???  Akitas rarely bark unless they are alarmed by something disturbing, otherwise, their silence is ever present.  I always wake him up whenever I hear him "whimper" it sounds like a weak "cry".  I think he might be having a "nightmare" just as we humans do and he is frightened?  More later........

Love and Light!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


"All actions are judged by the motives prompting them."
.......Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad

Tuesday morning, between 5 and 6 A.M.  I could see that I was on my bed high above The Brooklyn Bridge.  I got the impression that I was somewhat confused of how I got there and at first thought that I might be "dreaming", since I no longer lived only a short distance from the bridge.  (I now lived very far away?)  Suddenly, I realized that someone was standing right next to me, seeming to be attempting to comfort me as if they were very much aware of the fact that I was terrified of "heights!"
I immediately realized that this was NOT a dream and I was not standing, but sitting up on on my bed in my apartment.  The bed seemed to to be slanted sideways in a downwards way, and I became even more frightened because I was thinking I might slide off of the bed!
I could see a building to my right.  It was very familiar to me since I had driven past that building next to the bridge frequently going to the gallery at the seaport for several years in the past.  It was incredibly tall.  I do not remember it being THAT tall.... It seemed to be the tallest building I had ever seen in my entire life!  I remember thinking to myself, I WOULD BE TERRIFIED LOOKING OUT OF THE WINDOWS IF I LIVED IN THAT BUILDING!
My thoughts returned to my fear of the heights as I seemed to glide smoothly over the bridge below me, the water, the various buildings and above the sky, the clouds, EVERYTHING WAS AWESOMELY SCARY TO ME!  It was just too high up in the air.......... I got the feeling I was sliding off of the bed at this point and within less than a second it seemed, I WAS BACK IN MY BED.  End of experience... Unlike most my OBEs, I was not disappointed that suddenly ended so abruptly.  By the way, I think I should mention to you at this point something I have come to realize... Working on our various fears of things such as heights, speed, monsters, and various other phobias, seem to be attached to our thoughts and in all probability will accompany us in other dimensions.  I have found it interesting that if I take the time to really face some of my phobias, and work on over-coming them, that it is very worthwhile.  All my life I have had a tremendous fear of reptiles?  I decided one day to attempt to experiment and do something that might help me to over-come this fear.  One day I spent time visiting several pet shops that had reptiles.  I then spent a great deal of time going over to all of the tanks that contained reptiles and get as close as possible to them and just stand and look at them ....It turned out to be very interesting and helpful to me, because I decided to study them very closely and try to find interest in their behaviour, etc.  It worked!  IT REALLY WORKED!  My fears have since somewhat but not completely, begin to dissipate.  As far as my fear of "heights" thus far I have not resolved it.  What is always interesting is that whenever I have had an Out of Body Experience involving "heights" I have primarily always "sensed" an "unseen" entity accompanying me when traveling?  More later...

Love and Light!


Saturday, June 18, 2011


What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present, and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?
A quote from  A Course in Miracles

I discovered another one of many so called, drawbacks, during my journey on this planet.  These are my thoughts presented to you for consideration. 
This morning during my OBE I was "aware" of how true it is, that we as physical humans do not only have assistance and love within the physical, but from "unseen" entities lovingly supporting us with during our journeys on the earth plane of existence.
During the past several months my spirit has been somewhat shaken by various incidents that suddenly became present during my day to day life.  This can sometimes weaken my abilities to cope.  BUT..... from past experiences, I have always seemed to bounce back and "keep on truckin".
We are not in charge here on this planet to make or decide various assignments given us before arriving here and that becomes one of the glitches during our travels.  We permit our egos to over-ride what has already been decided for us.  By permitting this to take place we will sometimes alter plans without the true knowledge of exactly what we are doing?  In other words, we start to believe or assume without realization that we know better than a Higher Power.
Before I move on, I will clarify that statement just made by once again repeating what I have quoted several times before in my blogs, stated by a Higher Power.  MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS.  MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS!  This is partially what I was referring to in my previous blog about the possibilities of reasons to attempt to move as close as possible to "higher consciousness" when attempting changing or healing both one's self and others.
My thoughts in relationship to this is the incident I was involved in during the aftermath of 9/11.  Standing on a street nearby where I lived within a short distance of the destroyed areas, a woman said to me, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? IT IS SO HORRIBLE!  I replied to her, WE CANNOT REALLY JUDGE OR KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENED.....MAYBE FOR A REASON?  She quickly responded, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? I looked her straight in the eyes and said, WHY WOULD THE CHILDREN BE ANY DIFFERENT FROM THE ADULTS DESTROYED???  She glared at me with disdain!  An example of how we can sometimes ONLY view that which we do not understand with ignorance due to the fact that they are not consistent with our own PERSONAL THOUGHTS/OUR OWN EGOS.
This morning as I found myself in the cataleptic state, I could once again as I had in the past, "feel" electrical energy flowing into my feet on the bed.  Without opening my physical eyes, I seemed to be able to view everything near me with my astral eyes.  My astral view was not 100% clear, but clear enough for me to "see" the figures of two entities massaging or rubbing the soles of my feet!  Actually, one of them was once again manipulating or flexing my feet while another entity seemed to be giving instructions of the process being performed.
The one I assumed to be the instructor appeared more matured and the entity following the information given was much younger in appearance and was operating with what seemed to be tremendous enthusiasm!  I remained with the paralyses in my body until gradually I seemed to return to my physical body.
At this time without more detailed considerations, I am only able to say that I got the impression that I was being rejuvenated or healed!    More later................

Love and Light!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


(Your) actions are (Your) only true belongings. 
.....The Buddha

I once visited Mini-Mom's house during one of my OBEs in order to confirm some information about my having OBEs.  When my astral body arrived at her house, I found myself in her bedroom standing and watching her sleep on her bed.  I slowly turned my body around in the opposite direction and found myself facing directly into a large mirror above her dresser.  Of course I was in shock, because I would have much preferred to be prepared to view a reflection of my astral body.  But, at the same time, absolutely intrigued by what I saw...... I saw an image of myself which seemed to be adjusting or attempting to form itself together in order to form ME!
It is difficult to describe, but it was ME, but I was not intact?  I saw thousands if not millions of "black and white tiny dots" which seemed to be attempting to hold themselves together to form ME! I was millions and millions of white lights! (It was a more than an interesting experience!)
Years ago while attending one of Betty J. Eadie's (Embraced By The Light) talks, I found a remark she made to one of the people asking questions about her NDE surprising.  The audience member said to her:  "I was told recently by a Medium that I would look at handsome as I do now when I die and crossed over?"  Betty Eadie without even pausing quickly responded, OH WE DO NOT LOOK LIKE THIS!  WHEN I HAD MY NDE, I REMEMBER VERY WELL AT ONE POINT BEING NEXT TO A LAKE.  I SAT DOWN AND LOOKED INTO THE WATER AT WHICH TIME I SAW A REFLECTION OF MYSELF.  I LOOKED TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE REFLECTION AND PHOTOS THAT I HAD SEEN OF MYSELF IN PHYSICAL LIFE.
Some time later when I began to "see" dead people who had crossed over during my OBEs, there was something very interesting about how they first "looked at me" when I first arrived and appeared before description of the expression on their faces were like this:  First a tremendous smile would appear on their faces and then they would quickly gaze my body from head to toe very slowly with what seemed like a
a "look of amazement!"  I got the immediate "feeling" that they were not as much surprised that I had arrived there, BUT, in awe of my "appearance?"
I believe our true selves are pure energy.  It is formed by our personalities.  Good or Bad.  Dark or Light.  Positive or Negative.  This is our true selves that remain intact within and the part of us that is a part of our energies.  At this time I would only be able to suggest that I am using my "Energy and Higher Self" when I am able to discern another human beings' thoughts or attitudes by simply "looking" at his or hers' face and eyes.  Developing our natural abilities gives us the power to achieve this action.  I (We) have the ability to connect to the person in question's energy!  Our energies contain all that we are...  As individuals, one is able to use one's energy like an X-ray device and "see" within not only others, but one's self.
Sight is an amazing thing!  Because it seems to be of great use in physical realities as well as non-physical realities.  My thoughts are, that during my process of having the abilities to simply "look at a person's face" when I am able to "see" all about that person's personality, thoughts, health, past/present and future life... I am "seeing" them with my astral eyes, my energy!
When people ask me questions about psychic abilities, I always preface my replies with this statement, IT'S NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES.  In depth, what I am saying, is that it is not something that is magical or places the psychic in a higher place of being.  It is something that must be developed just as anything else does and it is my belief that all have the tools and need only do the work to develop them..... Lack or interest or laziness and over attachment to physical reality will get us, NOWHERE.  
Here I will present one example to clarify myself.  Spiritual/Psychic Healing.  Some people believe that it is amazing or awesome that they might know someone that professes having the ability of healing by the laying on of hands.  Believing this without in depth information is foolish.  YOU may believe this is a simple act of the person has these abilities.  The fact is, YES, MAYBE.....BUT, the complexities of this act of healing comes with, how much "development" has this person acquired in the license to use these abilities.  I will explain myself more... This person in addition to having the ability to perform this act of healing must first have the spiritual knowledge that the individual receiving his or her's gift is spiritually prepared or deserving of this action?  Will they be interfering or blocking the individuals' journey of advancement?  In other words, is it the correct thing to do in healing this person?  Is there a specific reason for this individual to be experiencing this illness?  This death?  So therefore, The Healer must have the knowledge of the full background on the individual in question as to  Why or Why Not this person should or should not be healed at this time.  My thoughts continue to be, that one of the major flaws in the thoughts of we human beings, is that we truly believe that we are in complete control of how The Universe operates.  We do not.  We must attempt to make contact with The Universal Mind and be assisted during our journeys on this planet.  There are rules and regulations and by changing them to fit into "how we think" or want them to be, is playing a very dangerous thing with our futures. 
Since I am primarily dedicating my blog to THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE, I will not at this time go into detail about another subject in relationship to this, but I would like to give you a suggestion of something you might find of interest.  It is the subject that as I said earlier in my blog that I took many years to "give it a chance" and do some serious investigation.  The subject is that of, REINCARNATION.       More later.............

Love and Light!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Sometimes upon returning from an OBE it can be confusing to discern exactly what the experience indicated in my life?  Such was the case this morning.
There are times such as this morning, when I am not aware of the process of coming outside of the physical body.  I just suddenly find myself out of body, standing, sometimes in a familiar place and sometimes, not.......
By the way, I decided for myself how I would know the difference between having a DREAM and and OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE.  I can usually "only" remember my dreams upon waking up and then for a few hours later.  (That is why dream workers suggest we write down our dreams in order to remember them clearly.) 
I can remember the out of body experiences, even when I do not write them down in detail, for many years in the future!  I still remember out of body experiences I had when I was 8 years old.  (Most more clearly than I can remember incidents during that that time of my life.)
This morning I found myself standing on the sidewalk in front of the brownstone where I lived in Brooklyn, New York.  I could "see" the tree-lined block very clearly.  Everything was very, very vibrant and colorful.  It seemed to be early morning.  I looked into the street  in front of me and suddenly a beautiful girl with curly, chestnut colored hair and freckles, came riding very fast on a bike, pass me.  I have no idea why, but I seemed to "fly after her, from behind."  She seemed to be in a rush to get somewhere.  I saw a basket on the back of her bike and I could see it contained lots of freshly made bread.  I promptly got the impression that she was making a "delivery".  She was working........
I tried to catch up with her, but I could only remain during my flight a few feet behind she and her bike.  I could see the expression on her face.....she was determined and concerned about getting to her final destination.
Following her for some time, we eventually arrived at the back door of a restaurant.
She seemed to "fly right into the kitchen" bike and all.  I followed closely behind.  As we entered the kitchen.  She just disappeared???  I found myself standing awkwardly in the small kitchen.  I suddenly noticed that I was surrounded by a group of young men that seemed to be dressed to work in the kitchen.  My biggest surprise was that they were all standing with confused expressions on their faces, just staring at ME?
I believe my confusion and surprise cause me to return immediately to my body.
End of experience! 
I have no idea what the significance, if any, this out of body experience was to me.  I tried to think very hard about the experience.  The only information that I did come up with while reflecting on it was that, REMEMBERING THE BIKE AND THE GIRL AND THE BASKET ON THE BACK OF THE BIKE WAS ALL IN THE PERIOD OF "ANOTHER" TIME? 
Just as I have done after such incidents in the past..... I will go and attempt to find photos of that bike and its' design and various other aspects of the out of body experience I had this morning.     More later..............

Love and Light!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


A person who seeks relationships only to gratify his or her own needs, such as his or her own emotional or sexual needs, will find that each relationship is essentially identical, that the people in his or her life are replaceable, that experiences with the first and experiences with the second are essentially the same.         Gary Zukav  "Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul"

People continue to write to me asking advice about their relationships.  As I have said repeatedly in response to their inquiries, I CANNOT DO THAT.  But, I do believe that the answers we all seek can be obtained during our OBEs.
When I think back to my youth, I remember a song, YOUNG AND FOOLISH.  It was from a Broadway musical, and the song spoke of the times when we were all so young and foolish.  "The carefree days of our youth...."  It tells of how they go by so very quickly.  These are the years we definitely make the most mistakes and primarily become misguided by our careless thoughts.  The biggest tragedy is if we permit them to carry over into our adult years of our life.  This is where our mistakes cause us all the greatest harm.
For various reasons, those of us who do not advance in our awareness of where we are or have to go during our journeys, we take disastrous turns on the roads ahead.  I have discovered during my meditations and OBEs, that my biggest mishaps were due to the fact that we must always, first go within ourselves in order to find what we are in reality searching for during these times.  We will not find these things outside of our own spiritualities.  We must go within........ we must also realize the dependency of relying on so called relationships with other human beings will hinder us from achieving our goals.  Why?  Because every one has their own agenda!  Being young and foolish is the most opportune time for us to be caught up in another's agenda without even realizing it. These are our most carefree (careless) moments in time.  This is usually due to the fact that we believe without enough thought within our own souls that we can do a better job and find more strength in believing that we must follow the so called, "rules of the game".  What are the "rules of the game?"  Doing whatever we witness taking place around us.  Many of us are doomed for continuous failure in that these situations always come to an unpleasant end......and then we move on without missing a beat, to the next one, never realizing that each time we do this, we take double the steps backwards, that we had taken forward.
Am I saying, do not even attempt this move?  Nope.  BUT, I have found out that if we do not find content in our own souls, we will only prolong the journey by attaching ourselves to another's agenda.  It is imperative that we be very, very clear on our paths or otherwise, we will continue to stay within the same stagnant place, floundering like a fish trying to swim up stream in a down stream flow of water!  I have been given the information that when we are young and foolish, we have so very little to offer.  Why?  Because we have not always yet come to the realization or development of "who and what we primarily have to offer!"  Therefore, so many offer without realization, their physically.  We cannot and will not in return receive LOVE for that gift.  As we become more aware of our higher self, we discover that LOVE is not something that one can hand over in one's hand.  Therefore, as I said earlier, THOSE WHO HAVE THE MOST "TOYS" IN PHYSICAL REALITY  WILL APPEAR TO HAVE THE MOST POWER! 
I discovered so many times during my OBEs, all the most awesome gifts were "untouchable".  They were feelings that were either from within or were projected to me in some non-physical method of transportation.
One of the things we humans do the most when we are young and foolish is LIE!:)  Yes, being young we are also foolish enough to believe that if we lie and "believe" the lie ourselves, we will be even more convincing when we present the lies to another human being.  In the astral world we are able to "see" more clearly.  Therefore, we are able to see the darkness that is created with lies.  What we actually do is "step onto a rather dark and fearful side of existence."  What actually happens is that the more lies we tell, the further away from The LIGHT we find ourselves.  Usually, we begin to physically acquire this feeling of nervousness and semi-isolation.  These feelings come upon us, not by the physical that we believe we experience at the time, BUT, by OUR HIGHER SELF!  We are being "judged" at that very moment by OUR SELF!  We are being informed of that which is RIGHT OR WRONG.  We suddenly become uneasy and move close into the DARKNESS.  This is also why in the astral world, we congregate amongst those "of our own kind!"  There a true thing about the spirit world that we can be assured of when we arrive..........WE WILL PRIMARILY GRAVITATE TO THOSE EQUAL TO OUR OWN THOUGHTS.  Just as in physicality, we surround ourselves with our own kind without effort.
I still remember the very supportive thoughts given to me by my friend Greg, years ago.  I was to travel to a person and family who was far away from the country in which I resided at the time.  I had much anxiousness.  I mentioned to Greg that I would be surrounded by associates, etc. of this person and was already concerned about being rejected or uncomfortable around people I was not familiar with at this time.  Greg very casually presented his thoughts about the situation to me.  He said, the person that I would be traveling to was a very, very good human being.  (He had previously met this person in question).  He said to me, that due to this fact, that I should be aware of the old saying, BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER.  In all probability, I would be surrounded by those that were similar to the person I would be visiting.  His thoughts proved to be more than correct during my stay.    
They were words of wisdom, because the truth in those thoughts has followed me to this day in time when it comes to discerning various individuals and groups associated with them........  (These were also thoughts of HUMAN LOGIC).
During The Out of Body Experience, our Higher Self really steps in to give our more clarity.  We are able to discern quickly that which will put us into or closer to THE LIGHT!
Finding ourselves in THE DARKNESS gives us the feeling of shamefulness.  But, as we move closer into THE LIGHT we find these negative feelings begin to dissipate rapidly.  Why?  Because this is the point where we begin to "step into" the presence of what is called, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.    More later.............

Love and Light!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful.  Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.
                     Shakti Gawain "Creative Visualization"

My elevation and exit from my physical body this morning was so sudden and so rapid that I was standing upright within seconds on an unfamiliar, wide and busy street?  (This kind of Out of Body Experience can sometimes happen without a conscious decision on my part.  Often I wonder whether I have arrived in a parallel dimension or an existence I have experienced in a past life existence?)
The street at first seemed busy but quiet.  The daylight was bright.  I looked around and the first thing to catch my astral eyes was a large floor to ceiling storefront window of what seemed to be a restaurant or cafeteria.  Without giving it much thought I glided quickly through the glass storefront inside.  My vision was clear and crisp!  I saw many people sitting at tables eating and chatting.  It was very noisy and busy.  Waiters and Waitresses were flurrying around the large open space very quickly.
Seemed to be taking and delivering orders to various tables.  No one notice me!  I ventured around freely.  It was rather exciting in a way.  There was food every where on trays being carried quickly to tables.  I saw glass counters displaying many different kinds of pastries.  I was intrigued.  I saw lots of whipped creamed pies and cakes and cup cakes.  No one could see me?  They seemed to fly past me without noticing me at all.  
I moved over to the display counters.  They were all opened.  I grabbed different pastries and stuffed them into my mouth freely.  I COULD TASTE THEM!  So much whipped cream.  No one could see or notice me?  (I was acting like a kid in a candy shop!)
Suddenly, I lost interest and glided out on to the street once more.  Lots of traffic and lot of hustle and bustle of people.......rushing about their way.  I thought to myself, WHERE IS THIS? WHAT CITY?  WHAT STATE?  I looked for street signs.  I found them, but my vision would not permit me to read them?  I saw cars and taxis......I looked at the license plates.  I could not read them?  I could hear traffic and horns, etc.  I could hear chatter from many people near me.  But I did not hear anything that was informative to me.
Suddenly, I looked to my left...... It was a kid carrying something in his or her arms.  (I am not sure if it was a boy or a girl?)  I quickly blurted out.....WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS PLACE?  The person looked at me and could actually "see me" and had an expression on the face of surprise.  This kid looked at me as if I was crazy!  Then the kid said what I believed to be the name of this place.......I UNDERSTOOD  NOTHING was like gibberish?
Within what seemed like less than a second I was back in my body in my bedroom. 
More later.........

Love and Light!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


"When you awaken your sleeping gifts of being able to have many OBEs, you will never be able to go back to not having them... "  Marshall Hill

This morning the vibrations within my physical body arrived at around 4 or 5 A.M.  I felt my body overtaken by the cataleptic state.  My physical eyes were closed.  My astral eyes were closed, but as the sound of my medulla oblogata increased in volume, as usual, I got somewhat nervous.  I attempted to keep my cool and tried to relax and let all that happened, happen!
Within seconds, I could sense my astral body rise above my physical body on my bed upwards and then, forward, feet first, and gently to the floor in a standing position.  As always, my astral eyes opened.  BUT, my vision was unclear.  I demanded "clarity!"  (Thanks for that note William Bulhman that you wrote long ago).
When I strongly with all of my will made my demand twice, my vision suddenly became crystal clear.  I could see my bedroom.  I was excited and ready to explore things around the apartment. 
First my immediate view was that of the wall to the right of my bed.  I had the sudden urge, because I knew I could, go through that wall, that would lead lead to the small hallway outside of my bedroom.  I was excited to make the move.  I could feel my astral body move in the direction of the wall.......I moved "in" the wall.  I seemed to go through what appeared as layers of different textures.  Greys, whites, particles, grains, etc.  This only lasted for in our time what seemed like seconds and then I found myself on the other side of the wall in the hallway.  I seemed to laugh to myself, when suddenly I realized in an effort to begin checking out the apartment, the wall next to my bed led to the hallway OUTSIDE OF THE APARTMENT!  I had a thought in my mind that this was funny.  I turned to my front door and without much thought went right through it into the living room.  I looked around.......WOW!  It looked the same except, everything on the walls, the posters and photos were completely different?  None of them contained images of what they were suppose to in physical reality.  They were totally "different".....indescribable for me?  I quickly seemed to swing myself around to go into the kitchen area, BUT, I suddenly found myself in a totally different place???  It was empty of furniture or anything recognizable.  Just solid white panels or walls???  Within seconds, I could feel myself grin......I WAS UPSIDE DOWN ON THE LIVING ROOM CEILING ON MY STOMACH!!!
I willed myself down to the floor in an upright position standing facing the pantry door leading to the backyard.   I moved smoothly to the pantry door and seemed to open it and remained still looking outside.  Daylight seemed to be breaking very, very slowly.
The silence was like nothing I had ever experienced was magnificent!  It seemed to breath and give off a kind of living if it surrounded my being.
I slowly gazed up to the sky......Wow!  The sky was blacker than black and the stars were like small white Christmas Tree Lights.  They twinkled.  And the most amazing and astounding thing was this......THE MOON WAS BLUE!  I was in shock!  It was magnificently beautiful, the whole scene.  In retrospect, I believe the entire experience was a combination of being in the past, present and future of my present surroundings and also the possibility of being in various dimensions of existence.   Suddenly, there was a sound thumping and getting louder and louder?  It got so loud it frightened me.  I was immediately back in my physical body and in my bed.  (By the way, it was my heart beating!=)  More later......

Love and Light!

Monday, June 6, 2011


It has not happened for awhile now......but this early morning on waking up, I fell back into a semi sleep slumber and found myself in the hypnogagic state.  The paralysis took over my body and my eyes seemed to be sealed shut with glue?  Some unknown and unseen entity "pulled" or "helped" me to exit my physical body.  Feet first.  My astral eyes were still closed when I moved quickly out of my body onto the floor of my bedroom.  I believe I bumped into this entity, because even though I could not "see" him I could feel or sense myself hit his chest with my full astral body.
I remembered as always to demand CLARITY NOW!  I still could not "see" clearly with my astral eyes, so therefore, I seemed to demand it again with all of my mental power.
I GOT IT!  My bedroom cleared and I was able to "see" everything clearly. 
I promptly decided to desire to go outside of the house onto the sidewalk.  I seemed to glide outside and onto the sidewalk.  I noticed that I moved quickly through a part of the window and a part of the wall next to it.  (It was smooth and easy, I did not give it much thought).
I saw people moving along the sidewalk.......there were many, many children.  I decided that I was in "another dimension" maybe parallel to the one I physically existed in, because it was definitely much too early for that many people to be on the streets where I lived?
None of the adults could see or noticed me being there......BUT, the children, they were very young kids, THEY COULD ALL "SEE" ME!
Within seconds, I found myself back inside my physical body.  More later......

Love and Light!