Yesterday while relaxing I slipped off into an unexpected nap. While doing so, I found myself going into the cataleptic state. Something that I have not been aware of for several years now. This has happened due to my ongoing frequent OBES. But since I have been avoiding OBES at the present moment in order to establish within my mind, exactly what my objective would be due to my observations of the present turmoil, unlike any I have experienced in my beloved country, America!π₯
I am presenting this to all that have experienced, "sleep paralysis". The Cataleptic State that occurs when our astral/spirit body is about to exit our physical body. (By the way, in order for this to happen, the physical must not move and finds itself, unable to do so if we should find ourselves also, in the hypnogogic state= Half-awake and half-asleep, and mentally struggle to either move or wake up.) The only other time this will occur is at the death of the physical body...... Many lived to tell about it. NDES/The Near Death Experience. I wish to point out to you, that the NDES have limitations. Thus far worldwide research has discovered that "5" NDES are possible. The differences being, that a human being can have as many OBES as one desires during their physical lifetime. Since my own started "unprovoked" as a small boy and continued until the present and I have mastered "provoked" astral projections, I believe that my own would be numbered in the thousands.
I learned that every time we go to sleep for the evening, our astral (real true spiritual bodies) exit our physical bodies and rise up approximately six feet above and remain there taking in the universal energies before returning to our physical vehicles refreshed when we wake up. This also happens with most Animals. Our astral bodies must return before we can have movements. It cannot and will not exit without this process of paralysis. By the way, "Sonnambulism"= Sleep Walking happens when the physical "goes with the astral". This is considered dangerous and I am not totally informed about its' reason for happening? I do know one thing......(Personal) During my youth my Sister sleep walked sometimes...... I always believed my Sister was stubborn and very determined in physical life!π
As the years passed and I began to master the projection of the astral body, I learned and discovered that the cataleptic state would become totally not noticed when I would "consciously/provoke" my projections on a regular basis. By the way, there are other things that happen that many are concerned about when they go to sleep.......Such as, they are not aware that DREAMS are different from OBES! I have discovered that huge amounts of those not familiar with OBES when "unprovoked" become terrified based on believing they are having, NIGHTMARES!π±π Fear not Folks! Our vibrational energies, level is changing and sounds and vision, etc. intensify beyond that which we experience within the physical vehicle (body). Those monsters, demons, shadow people, etc. are all paying you a visit based on one thing and one thing only.........F E A R!!!
Example: Have you ever been sitting calmly and quietly and eventually just dozed off to sleep and then all of a sudden, you jump awake as if you caught yourself from falling off of a cliff? Well, that sudden jerk/jump is based on our astral body attempting to exit our physical and was slammed back into our body instantly, because as I mentioned.....It cannot exit fully if you wake up!
Which brings me to the following...... I have not provoked an OBE for some time now and while taking that nap, I suddenly felt myself in the hypnogogic state and I had not experienced it in a very long time...... AND I HATED IT!!!πI instantly found myself struggling to wake up ........ A very difficult fight. The paralysis was so annoying. It brought back memories of my childhood and I fought hard.........I wonπ By the way, it was unprovoked and I have recently as I have mentioned above not practiced my skill..... But, due to my constant thoughts about it.....I believe it might very well have been kind of a "signal" to me. A signal saying, "Come on Marshall. Don't be timid....Stop avoiding it....You know you want to get more details of that which is happening now! It is your nature to do so.........You are NOSEY!"ππ More later,
I have had middle of the night cognizant dreams throughout my life. They started when I was about 7, and they were enjoyable. As I got older they terrified me because I reasoned (?) that because it was kind of like a dream, bad stuff could happen (like someone breaking through my window). As soon as I realized what was happening, I would start the arduous job of trying to wake myself up… as you know, it’s no easy task. I could see myself sleeping in my bed, but I was separate from it. Sometimes I would climb on my bed and crash myself to the ground, head first to try to wake myself up. I gradually realized that if I could calm down and get my sleeping body to make the tiniest movement, like moving the tip of my finger, I could wake up. One time I got the courage to follow along with it, and I walked to my linen closet, and opened the door. My! The most beautiful garden I had ever seen awaited me. The colors were indescribably beautiful, and I felt calm and peaceful. Zounds! Who knew?
Another time I found myself floating up by my ceiling, and a constant stream of souls was streaming by me rapidly. One got by me and asked me how old I was, and I answered with my age, and the entity said, “Not your physical age, but how old are you in total?” Wow
I absolutely loved your sharing that with me........ I always get so much support when I am suddenly presented with someone else revealing similar situations!!! It jogs my mind and makes me "see" and "believe" that those experiences were R E A L !!!!!!!:):):)
I experience sleep paralysis that sometimes I feel like I’m being touched as if someone is trying to wake me up, I sometimes feel it could be a spirit, it’s very hard to tell what it is, but when that happens to me, I’m awake for the rest of the night
Wow! is so correct! I can so easily relate to much of what you presented.......Especially, as a small boy and just assuming they were dreams and nightmares......NOPE! And it seems no matter how much we live, learn, search, discover, etc. I am presently at the point, strongly believing and respecting the quote by, Socrates....... "I am the wisest man alive, it is for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."
Your Socrates quote is perfect for us humans and our massive egos!!
I get sleep paralysis everyday and i feel whatever is in the room pressing down or squeezing my head and its really painful. I don’t know what to do.
You said that you something was "really painful". That to me sounds "unusual" when and if you are projecting??? My personal suggestion would be to you, that before moving on forward to have this presented to a Medical Physician first to establish that that is nothing going on with your physical health? You do not have to present your metaphysical involvments....Only about this "pain", because to my knowledge both for myself and my ongoing focusing on APS/OBES, I have not ever been aware of any kinds of physical pain or having had any others mention it occurring??? Please be sure to feel free to inform me of the outcome.
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