
Saturday, September 19, 2015



As well as those who feel that the world is threatened by nuclear disaster, there are those who sense that the holocaust is more likely to be brought about by the forces of nature as a result of the forces of nature as a result of the total disregard of the universal laws governing the cosmos and the state of degradation that mankind has fallen into.  What follows are some comments from those who feel that humanity is now in imminent peril of experiencing the effects of this folly.

Unless we drastically change the way we are going, I foresee a time of great trial and tribulation ahead.  I think we have already unleashed the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I was told the earth belongs to GOD and that no man has a spiritual right to claim bits of it and fight others, either to keep off their bit or try to grab more for themselves...That by doing this we would bring death and destruction to ourselves followed by disease and famine.
I have been told we will see signs of its approach... There will be great natural catastrophes, as assassination attempt on the Pope, an intensification of the drug problem.  Abortion will be legalized.  Mercy killings will come to be accepted, both for the senile and for deformed children.  Since we already had most of those signs, I believe the three days of darkness will come soon!

It is generally agreed by almost all the near-death survivors that the changes envisaged have probably already begun and are due to reach a climax!
Those who felt that the events foreseen are now inevitable, nevertheless stressed that, rightly understood, the outcome is both necessary and desirable.  Most of the individuals, however, felt that nothing was irrevocable, either with regard to events or timing;  and while most agree on general direction these events, none of them felt that the unfolding scenario was unalterably fixed.  In fact many stress that events can always be affected by right human action and prayers to GOD for HIS intervention.
What seems certain is that we appear to be approaching the end of a world, but that will not be the end of THE world.  The trials that we are living through are seen and universal brotherhood will emerge.  Moreover, when this New Age does appear it will then be understood that the devastating changes that preceded it were in fact part of the legations that were necessary to bring about the transformation of humanity into a new state of being.  The quotations included here give an idea of this intention:

The catastrophes will cause tremendous upheavals...these have been brought about by universal decline in ideals and morals... But in the end I see a new world arising from the ashes of the old, in which the Christ consciousness will at last be made manifest and all mankind will dwell together in peace.
I was told that the reason religion was suppressed in Russia is because orthodox religion was felt to do more harm than good.  The true spiritual renaissance will come through scientific investigation in ESP and psychic phenomena.  Then there will be a religious revival and Russia will lead the world out of the current tensions and crisis.

I saw the world dying, asphyxiated by materialistic greed.  (*I too saw this during an Out of Body Experience).  But after the darkest hour had passed away, during which time all the former things of this world had disintegrated and decayed, I saw a new consciousness emerging and mankind evolving in a new form.  Thereafter I beheld a Golden Age in which people would live in love and harmony with each other and all of nature.

*These quotations conclude the major elements that comprise the scenario.  While the messages revealed here will certainly not be acceptable to many people, it must be borne in mind that while the content of these revelations may at first appear alarming, the purpose of their message is not to induce morbid speculation about endless catastrophes, but rather to emphasize that we must all strive towards minimizing this aspect in order that the final positive outcome can be brought to fruition.  This is the message of hope that these visions contain.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth in me , the works that I do shall he do also;  and greater works than these shall he do;  because I go to the Father.
The Gospel according to St. John                                                     More later......

Love and Light!

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