
Saturday, September 19, 2015



As well as those who feel that the world is threatened by nuclear disaster, there are those who sense that the holocaust is more likely to be brought about by the forces of nature as a result of the forces of nature as a result of the total disregard of the universal laws governing the cosmos and the state of degradation that mankind has fallen into.  What follows are some comments from those who feel that humanity is now in imminent peril of experiencing the effects of this folly.

Unless we drastically change the way we are going, I foresee a time of great trial and tribulation ahead.  I think we have already unleashed the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I was told the earth belongs to GOD and that no man has a spiritual right to claim bits of it and fight others, either to keep off their bit or try to grab more for themselves...That by doing this we would bring death and destruction to ourselves followed by disease and famine.
I have been told we will see signs of its approach... There will be great natural catastrophes, as assassination attempt on the Pope, an intensification of the drug problem.  Abortion will be legalized.  Mercy killings will come to be accepted, both for the senile and for deformed children.  Since we already had most of those signs, I believe the three days of darkness will come soon!

It is generally agreed by almost all the near-death survivors that the changes envisaged have probably already begun and are due to reach a climax!
Those who felt that the events foreseen are now inevitable, nevertheless stressed that, rightly understood, the outcome is both necessary and desirable.  Most of the individuals, however, felt that nothing was irrevocable, either with regard to events or timing;  and while most agree on general direction these events, none of them felt that the unfolding scenario was unalterably fixed.  In fact many stress that events can always be affected by right human action and prayers to GOD for HIS intervention.
What seems certain is that we appear to be approaching the end of a world, but that will not be the end of THE world.  The trials that we are living through are seen and universal brotherhood will emerge.  Moreover, when this New Age does appear it will then be understood that the devastating changes that preceded it were in fact part of the legations that were necessary to bring about the transformation of humanity into a new state of being.  The quotations included here give an idea of this intention:

The catastrophes will cause tremendous upheavals...these have been brought about by universal decline in ideals and morals... But in the end I see a new world arising from the ashes of the old, in which the Christ consciousness will at last be made manifest and all mankind will dwell together in peace.
I was told that the reason religion was suppressed in Russia is because orthodox religion was felt to do more harm than good.  The true spiritual renaissance will come through scientific investigation in ESP and psychic phenomena.  Then there will be a religious revival and Russia will lead the world out of the current tensions and crisis.

I saw the world dying, asphyxiated by materialistic greed.  (*I too saw this during an Out of Body Experience).  But after the darkest hour had passed away, during which time all the former things of this world had disintegrated and decayed, I saw a new consciousness emerging and mankind evolving in a new form.  Thereafter I beheld a Golden Age in which people would live in love and harmony with each other and all of nature.

*These quotations conclude the major elements that comprise the scenario.  While the messages revealed here will certainly not be acceptable to many people, it must be borne in mind that while the content of these revelations may at first appear alarming, the purpose of their message is not to induce morbid speculation about endless catastrophes, but rather to emphasize that we must all strive towards minimizing this aspect in order that the final positive outcome can be brought to fruition.  This is the message of hope that these visions contain.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth in me , the works that I do shall he do also;  and greater works than these shall he do;  because I go to the Father.
The Gospel according to St. John                                                     More later......

Love and Light!

Thursday, September 17, 2015


       "From time to time I pull this out and read and start laughing out loud!" Marshall Hill
                                                          NUCLEAR WAR

The messages that have been received by near-death survivors with regard to this possibility are generally felt to be that war is not inevitable, but that there is a very strong likelihood that one might occur.  The other possibility is that a nuclear accident could happen, or that germ warfare will become much more of a threat.

I think there will be very grave danger that we will be involved in a Third World War.  
I feel there is going to be some pact between Russia and a number of Muslim countries affecting them.  This will create great tension in the Middle East and, unless the hostilities can be averted, will probably spark off a Third World War.
As time does not exist in the Middle East and, unless the hostilities can be averted, will probably spark off a Third World War.
As time does not exist in the dimension where it is possible for this information to be given and received, it's very difficult to be accurate on this point.  But the impression I gained was that dangerous time "is close!"
I have a growing conviction that the end of the world is going to come with a whisper and not with a bang.  I feel petrified that nobody is protesting about germ warfare as I feel this is how we will go.  IT WILL NOT AFFECT ANIMALS.  A few people, the innocents (primitive people), will survive in isolated pockets in the Amazon jungles or other places where civilization has passed by.

It was indicated to me that a nuclear holocaust is now inevitable, as we have transgressed so many of God's laws that it is now impossible for us to avoid the consequences of our will result from the chain of events that we have set in motion.
It will start in THE MIDDLE EAST ........ and it will be the end.  It will be THE THIRD WAR.

What I saw was warfare underground tests.  And I saw a lot of shake-ups.  Seismic activity kicked off by cheating tests that nobody is admitting.  And fallout... The word 'nuclear skirmishes'  if one can conceive of such a thing... I saw the aftermath.  I saw the explosion places.  I saw a chunk of New York City was gone!
                                                                                                                More later............

Love and Light!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


"Death is not the greatest loss in life.  The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."  Norman Cousins

                                                        DISEASE AND DRUGS

I think that from now on we are likely to hear of many more strange diseases like AIDS suddenly developing, which doctors don't understand are unable to cure.
My understanding of the so-called incurable diseases is that they are mostly due to lack of purification within the system and are a reflection in people of the prevailing world conditions.  Until the world itself is purified, these conditions are likely to continue to manifest.  People seeking a cure need first to be cleansed and purified in mind and body;  the healing of the whole organism will then automatically follow.
I got the strong impression that the drug problem is going to get totally out of control. 
People talk about the population explosion and the shortage of food as being a threat to life, but I saw a scene in which far more people were destroyed from the effects of drug addiction.  This menace threatens to destroy not only the body, as in war and famine, but destroys the soul as well.

The vision of the future I received during my near-death experience was one of tremendous upheaval in the world as a result of our general ignorance of the "true" reality.  I was informed that mankind was breaking the laws of the universe and as a result of this would suffer.  This suffering was not due to the vengeance of an indignant God, but rather like the pain one might suffer as a result of arrogantly defying the law of gravity.  It was to be an inevitable educational cleansing of the earth, that would creep upon it inhabitants, who would try to hide blindly in the institutions of law, science and religion.  Mankind, I was told, was being consumed by the cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism and separatist thinking.  I saw sense turning to nonsense, and calamity, in the end, turning to providence.  At the end of this general period of transition, mankind was to be "born anew", with a new sense of his place in the universe.  The birth process, however, as in all the kingdoms, was exquisitely painful.  Mankind would emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified.  One would naturally expect that the geophysical disasters envisaged would bring about the meteorological disruptions that are also seen to occur.  This would obviously cause world food shortages which in turn would bring about disruption in the economic systems of the countries affected.  All of this would inflame the already growing social unrest, leading to anarchy and economic collapse.  In this unbalanced emotional climate it is easy to see how political leaders could be panicked into making the sort of disastrous mistakes that could ultimately lead to nuclear war!                                                                 More later...................

Love and Light!

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Because of the violent rape of the earth,m acid rain and the general pollution of land and sea, there will be terrible food shortages.  Tall this was caused by man's greed to acquire ever more material wealth at the expense of the quality of life for mankind in general.  
There are going to be serious food shortages around the world due to droughts in many places.  This ill push the price of food up so that many people will have to start going without things that they have always taken for granted.
We will start getting more droughts, which will bring about shortages in crops and the shortage in crops will cause food prices to rise, which will cause a strain on the economic situation, which is already going downhill.  Also at the time......because of the shortage of food and the failing economy, I see a strengthening of arms which causes tension.... These kinds of hostilities and increasing inflation start more hostilities.
There will be an Economic Breakdown.  The world economic situation is very unstable.  It has now become so complicated that any unexpected event that happens to one country can cause a crises to develop that affects all countries.  I see the cost of production making goods prohibitive and increasing scarcities... inflation and increasing unemployment will lead to social unrest and violence that amounts to anarchy!
There will be an illusion of improvement in the general prosperity of the country due to a reshuffling of money and resources.  But, I had a feeling that by the end of a certain time another crises will develop that will have serious repercussions.
I saw a grey miasma spread all over the earth and when I looked I realized it was the vibration of fear. that was causing it.  Here and there I saw pockets of light coming from enlightened souls who were trying to penetrate the gloom.  I saw that this fear was causing the violence and social unrest, also the escalation of the arms race, and that it would only get worse until people learn to overcome fear with love and goodwill toward all men.
I saw riots and men turned against one another in hatred..... people were afraid to go out.
The problems of social disorder, drugs and violence are going to increase.  Unbridled materialism has led to such a state of spiritual impoverishment that people, in seeking a diversion from this feeling of emptiness, are going to be increasingly led to search for kicks in the form of sex, gambling, drink, drugs and violence, leading to ultimate destruction!                                                          More later...................


Thursday, September 10, 2015


"I cannot say I beieve,.  I know!  I have had the experience of being gripped by something that is stronger than myself, something that people call God.            Carl Jung

We will know that the time for the changes that are going to occur has started to happen when there are earthquakes which will take place simultaneously in both the Middle East and Japan.
There will be a lot of upheavals such as earthquakes and volcanoes occurring in the next few years, which are going to get increasingly worse.  I was given to understand that these activities are a reflection of all the social upheaval and violence that is going on all over the world at the moment.
I saw illegal underground testing going on in the vicinity of faults in the earth's crust, resulting in a series of earthquakes being triggered off around the world.  It seemed that the people concerned knew of the risks involved, but still went ahead anyway.  It was as if they were possessed of some sort of terrible madness which was totally destructive of everyone and everything.
The seismic activity is going to increase terribly and the United States is going to start suffering some great seismic problems.

I was shown many volcanoes erupting around the world.  Iwas told that these activities were due to shifts in the world's axis and would precede many world-shattering events.
I remember being shown that Mt.St. Helen's eruption......I was also shown other volcanoes.......I remember turning to someone in the living room and suddenly saying to them, Mt. St. Helen's just blew its top".  They laughed at me.  Later that night we were watching television and the very scenes I saw in my mind were shown on television and no one continued to laugh at me.

There are going to be Geographical Changes.  The whole surface of the earth will be changed in "the twinkling of an eye" just as it says in the Bible.  Land will rise from under the sea and water will rush over the large tracts of land now above sea level.  Many people will die at this time, but the earth will be cleansed in the process.  (By the way, I, myself "saw" this during one of my past OBES.  I must say to you, that when I supposedly "saw" this, I found myself above the crown of The Statue of Liberty.  I "saw" that the river had risen up to the neck of the statue and only the head could be "seen" by me...... I knew very well I was viewing it because the head and the crown were tremendously huge.  
I want you also to know the feelings I had at this time/moment.  It not that of alarm.  It was a feeling of calmness and I felt very casual about observing this scene???)

The poles are going to shift.  (I wish to say that I have mentioned in a past blog that during another of my OBES, that I remember very clearly seeming to walk upwards and away from the planet Earth and "seeing" it move off its' axis as huge flames burst up on one side of it.  During this time also...... I was calm and casual as I turned to look in the direction of this incident.  During this time I also remember simply saying, "OOoops!"  And then continue to walk upwards and away.  At which time, I instantly found myself back in my physical body in my bed.)

I saw the earth stretching and groaning while giving birth to a new consciousness.  I saw that every so often in the history of the world this happens and is inevitable in order for the earth to bring forth a new state of evolution.
I saw that the last time the world faced a similar situation, then as now, people were given plenty of warning that they were disregarding natural and spiritual laws and if they continued to carry on as they were going they would eventually have to face the results of their folly, but they chose to disregard the signs.  In the end all but a few who had heeded the warnings perished.  It will be the same this time.
There may be a pole shift......there are going to be polar's going to kill all the races off, but we're going to have to start again from square one...There will be a larger land mass.                                                                       More later..........................


Sunday, September 6, 2015


           "One who longs for death is miserable, but more miserable is one who fears it."  JULIUS ZINCGREF

Here I will begin by giving primarily the graphic information Margot Grey presents about her in depth interviews with various human beings that have had The Near Death Experiences and specifically reveal much about our present and future that they were given during their experiences.
Margot Grey is a Humanistic Psychologist with an abiding interest in the spiritual aspects of human nature.  She is a Fellow of the World Association of Social Psychiatry and founder of the International Association for Near-Death Studies in the United Kingdom.

The following information was made available when the respondent whose Near Death Experience resulted from complications that developed during a hysterectomy.
The patient says:
"Afterwards I knew that I had far more knowledge than I could recall of future events concerning my own life and the way that coming world events would affect it...They also told me that I would not be able to remember everything, but that as and when it was necessary for me to know I would remember.
During my experience I became aware of everything that had ever happened and everything that was going to happen- all my past lives and all the future lives I would have.  I was also shown events that are likely to happen in the near future, but was made to understand that nothing is absolutely fixed and that everything depends on how we choose to use our own free will, that even those events that are already predestined can be changed or modified by a change in our own way of relating to them.
Dr. Grey and many other renowned researchers dealing with those which have had these near death out of body experiences, say that ALL seem to conform to each other (without ALL patients having not come in contact with each other during their physical lifetime).  More=
There is, first of all, a sense of having total knowledge, but specifically one is aware of seeing the entirety of the earth's evolution and history from the beginning to the end of time.  The future scenario, however, is usually of short duration, seldom extending much beyond the beginning of the 21ST CENTURY.  The individual reports that in this decade there will be an increasing incidence of EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANIC ACTIVITY and generally MASSIVE GEOGRAPHICAL CHANGES!  THE WILL BE A RESULTANT DISTURBANCES IN WEATHER PATTERN AND FOOD SUPPLIES.  THE WORLD SOCIAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM WILL COLLAPSE, AND THE POSSIBILITY OF NUCLEAR WAR OR ACCIDENT IS VERY GREAT.  (The patients were not in agreement on whether a nuclear catastrophe will occur).  All of these events are transitional rather than ultimate, however, and they will be followed by a new era in human history, marked by human brotherhood, universal love and world peace. Though many will die, the earth will live.  While agreeing that the dates were not fixed.....
In the following blogs, I will give more specific information they discerned during their experiences.
They will contain the following information:
MORE LATER.........................


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


"We cannot visualize another world ruled by quite other laws, the reason being that we live in a specific world which has helped to shape our minds and establish our basic psychic conditions.  We are strictly limited by our innate structure and therefore bound by our whole being and thinking to this world of ours.  Mystic man, to be sure, demands a "going beyond all that,"  but scientific man cannot permit this.To the intellect, all my mythologizing is futile speculation.  To the emotions, however, it is a healing and valid activity, it gives existence a glamour which we would not like to do without.  Nor is there any good reason we should."  Carl Jung

This will be part one of some information that I wish to give to you about,  THE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE.  This has been something many have asked me to clarify to them in relationship to THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE/THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY.
First, here is the accepted definition of what a Near Death Experience is and how it differ from that of The Out of Body Experience, that human beings have had during their lifetime here on this planet.
As I have stated before, do not associate these experiences with, philosophies or the scientific necessities so many have the desire to give to you.  Base them on real every day human beings whom have had the experiences.  (Well, maybe not ONLY every day people, lol=)  The late, great Carl Jung writes in depth about his own personal experience that happened during some point in his life!)
Unlike the out of body experience, that we are able to control and are considered clinically alive.  (Note, the only thing considered, "scientific" about the NDE is that the human being IS declared, CLINICALLY DEAD!  That of course also indicates =  BRAIN DEAD!)
During the following blogs that I preset to you, I will inform you of what the patient that is "resuscitated" back to life by various means, reports to have experienced during the time he or she has been considered dead.
ALSO, I wish to share with you primarily the information that has been given by thousands of human beings around the world about that which they have SEEN or BEEN GIVEN KNOWLEDGE ABOUT=  OUR PRESENT SITUATION ON THIS PLANET AND THAT WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN SHOWN IS TO TRANSPIRE!  These are the things I believe we are ALL most interested to know about..........  
It does not matter about that which I have discovered about what Scientists and Physicians, etc. discern about these experiences as having been hallucinations, etc.  By the way, I always laugh when a Doctor tells a patient either after an OBE or a NDE that it was their "imagination/hallucinations" when they are told EXACTLY by the patient what they as a Doctor was doing, about their conversations, what unexpectedly happened in the medical room, what was going on in another room, outside of the room they were in, etc. during the time we were OUT OF THE BODY OR DEAD???  By the way, I remember a case history where a patient while considered clinically dead on the operating table and then brought back to physical life, telling the Nurses that there were two sneakers tied together by the shoe strings sitting on a ledge outside of the room above them (of course the patient had never been in this room located on a very high floor in the hospital.  One of the curious interns later investigated this information given and BINGO!  TWO SNEAKERS TIED TOGETHER BY THEIR SHOE STRINGS OUTSIDE THE WINDOW OF THE ROOM ABOVE!   lmao:)
More later.................
