
Saturday, April 25, 2015


"I want to know God's thoughts........ the rest are details."  Albert Einstein

Hi, I realize that it has been some time since I have shared my OBEs, but I hope you do remember in my past blogs that I informed you that I would only present to you my experiences when and if I had any to report.

Having said that, I wish to inform you that since the very last brief one I told you about, there has not been anything to report.  I encourage you all to remember that "there are a huge amount" of those who insist on by "making up fantasies" and "philosophizing" about OBEs and passing them on are being unfair and deceptive to those of us who truly want to benefit and evolve and learn all that we can by having OBEs  in hopes of each of us acquiring, developing and becoming aware of our own "gifts/abilities, to do so.

During my recent periods of not really experiencing my OBEs as much as I would hope for, I believe I have been given this time to develop another part of our being, our spiritual being that is very important also.  It is our homework, so to speak, as being a part of advancing and opening our abilities wide and clear=

YES!  During the coming blogs that I will share with you, I will inform you about some other very important things that in my opinion are very important to us all.  ESPECIALLY DURING THESE PRESENT PERILOUS TIMES WE ARE FACING ON THIS MAGNIFICENT PLANET EARTH!

I have come to discover that our OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES are a very, very real possibility of our having them (or even some, but not all having "conscious and controlled ones", ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS!  Very similar to THE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES.

From my having had OBEs for so many decades now, I believe that for ALL human beings to practice MEDITATION on a daily basis that they will have more OBEs and also open their spiritual/higher selves into being gifted with MOST of the answers to their questions!

Again as I have mentioned in relation to OBEs, I will say to you, in my opinion, do not get misled by those that present them selves to you with the impression that because they wear "funny clothes" and put themselves into physical positions that appear as if they are Circus Acrobats, and eat only certain foods and go on starvation diets, etc. that you too will have to do this......NOPE!  Fear not, I will bring to you that which I have discovered by experience and you have as always the option to decide for yourself.

As I have always said to you in the past......Do that which you FEEL deep inside yourself/being which is comfortable and sits right for YOU!:)
I feel very confident that many of you whom have felt frustrated and exhausted from attempting the many money making and egotistical methods of experiencing your OWN NATURAL GIFTS of having OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES will, when I attempt to "pass along" that which I have discerned and learned=  SEE, THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL:)                                                                  More later...........


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