"IF THEY DO NOT LIKE ME, I KNOW I AM DOING A GOOD JOB:)" Gregory T. Kammerer (My dear friend and former business partner)
I wish to complete these thoughts about The Children (Child) Of The New Millennium by sharing two things........ First, how important it is for all of us to realize that we must first "recognize" a child of the new millennium in order to ascertain information and possibly guidance from them......
Be assured if you are one of those who believe that children should be seen and not heard, you will acquired NOTHING when in their presence. Please do not get confused by what I am saying here... I am not speaking of seeing our children as great Prophets of Being Spoiled and becoming the center of our Universe and leading us into the realms of nonsense! lol:) I am hoping to share my thoughts with you to help you attempt to "open your Higher Self" via MEDITATIONS, PRAYER or any means that you might feel helpful in doing so!
Secondly, I am going to conclude this subject with the reflection of thoughts written by Dr. George Ritchie, whose Near Death Experience occurred while serving in The Military.
He spoke of his being shown by The Light how our Free Will operates. He states the following:
"Both physical and spiritual bodies have free will, and in the afterlife, there are those who choose not to go to The Light. Often the reason they choose not to go is the contents of their thoughts. In the afterlife there are no secrets. Communication occurs through thought waves. Spirits who have thoughts they want to hide avoid going into The Light, so they go where they feel most comfortable, with spirits of like thoughts.
There were definite areas of this dimension that I would not want to caught in, just as there are areas in our own towns and cities that we don't feel safe in. Since hypocrisy is impossible because others know your thoughts the minute you think them, they tend to group with the ones who think the same way they do. In our own plane of existence, earth, we have a saying: 'Birds of a feather flock together.' The main reason that they stick together is because it is too threatening to be with beings with whom you disagree when they know it. What I saw horrified me more than anything I have ever seen in life. Since you could tell what the beings of this place thought, you knew they were filled with hate, deceit, lies, self righteousness bordering on megalomania, and lewd sexual aggressiveness that were causing them to carry out all kind of abominable acts on each other. This was breaking the heart of the Son of God standing beside me. Even here were Higher Entities trying to get them to change their thoughts. Since they could not admit there were beings greater than themselves, they could not see or hear them. There was no fire and brimstone here: no boxed-in canyons, but something a thousand times worse from my point of view. Here was a place totally devoid of LOVE. This was HELL.
This is a place created by free will.
Do think about that which you have shared with me on this particular blog and use your own free will to evaluate it.
Are there beautiful, soulful Children of The New Millennium around you? YES!:) Look for them and you will recognize them and know them..... Are there EVIL Children with lowly evolved souls around you, YES! Can they harm you in some ways? YES! BUT, always remember........WHEN STANDING IN THE LIGHT, WE ARE SAFE!:)
More later...........................
Love and Light!
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