
Saturday, December 17, 2011


Not even a month goes by while trying desperately to come to the "physical realization" that Sambo is not on the other side of my bedroom door when I open it each day, or behind me waiting for snacks when I am in the kitchen, or that he is not going to be at my feet when I turn a corner in the apartment..... the "feelings" had become overwhelming to me!
The first time I "saw" Harry was in a visionary dream state.  He was not really clear as a dog, but more of an "animal spirit?"  But, he had a "grin" on his face that was amazing AND it's name was sent into my mind as, HARRY?  It lasted for only seconds it seemed.  I did not think much about it later, only that it was a rather charming vision.
Walking past the a person I knew who lived nearby one early afternoon, I was greeted by him with a big hello and an announcement that his Pit Bull Terrier had given birth a few weeks ago to 14 babies!
I laughed and said that was really terrific!  He asked if I would like to see one?  I said, Yes.  He was brought out to me and put into my arms at which time he promptly fell asleep.
Two days later, I encountered the same person and requested to see the puppy again.  He immediately went inside and brought the same one out to me to hold and it once again began to fall asleep in my arms.  
My friend said that he felt terrible about Sambo and that I should really have this puppy to lessen the grief.  I told him No, that I would have to wait maybe a year or so and then consider another buddy, but never a Pit Bull Terrier.
Well....... I guess the old saying is true, NEVER SAY NEVER!  By the way, it's very difficult to "mourn" when there is a "baby" in the house!                                More later..........


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