
Saturday, December 16, 2017


Recently, I have missed sharing my OBES with you.  BUT, always remember that which I told all long ago.....I will only share my OBES with you when they have happened.  I will never attempt to make them up.  I must admit that recently I have been somewhat lazy about my attempt to have conscious , intentional OBES .  My mind has been so very much focusing on the unsettling events happening to us all around the world, as well as here at home.

BUT........I will soon return to you with all that might happen for me in the coming months, because I have snapped back into that mode of "traveling" beyond that which is located in our physical dimensions and venture into attempting to discover much of what is happening in our realities over-looked by our day to day physical/material locations.

I wanted to stop by today and wish all a very blessed holiday season.  During the coming days, please when having the material joys of this season, remember, think about all of those that have perished from this planet during the past years.
Send LOVE to all of the Children, Adults as well as all of our beloved family members....Our Pets!  And all of the magnificent awesome Animals on the planet.  Know and believe that all of them are now residing in a far better place than we can imagine at this time.
KNOW AND BELIEVE.......That all of them are very much ALIVE!                                                          More to come...

Love and Light:)

Saturday, September 23, 2017


The very first time I saw myself in a floor length mirror during one of my OBES.....I discovered factual information about my "real body!"    Marshall Hill
                                                                   PART 1

Several years ago I was fortunate to meet in person, William Buhlman, that I had highly admired having read the books he shared depicting his various OBES.
Here I wish to present something that he wrote in one of his books that was without a doubt in my mind, a confirmation to the answers received by me during my own OBES.

"In the past many have assumed that their visitations were some form of vision or dreamlike encounter, but my research has led me to believe that many these reports are actually out-of-body-experiences that occur naturally as we draw closer to death.  Their occurrence is caused by the loosening and deterioration of the ethereal connection between the physical body and the subtle spiritual form (first energy body).  As we move closer to death, the incidence of spontaneous out-body-experiences and deathbed visions increases dramatically.  This is soul's way of preparing its earthbound consciousness for the approaching transition of death."  William Buhlman

Here we have a very good explanation of the reasons for so many having difficulties when attempting to have OBES.  Attempting to exit that physical body can be very difficult when one does not yet have a clear concept of one's astral body.
Of course there are a huge amount of human beings that are not as tightly attached to their physical/material bodies.  Those such as myself, may or may not be due to traumatic incidents during their lifetime journeys or similar...... I will venture to say this from observations personally, that when one begins having these OBES, the astral body can more easily be projected from the physical.  At both, intention/desire and spontaneously.
I always believe and pass along to others......NOBODY.  No so called, Mediums, Psychics, etc. can present to you more believable, factual information than OURSELVES!😊  
I very, very strongly believe after having had hundreds of OBES during my lifetime, that you, myself, everybody, will and should eventually come to one's own conclusions about your experiences when sharing them with others that might be interested......To never involve one's self with those that might want to debate you on your experiences or deny them......The most significant/important entity that needs to know it's validity is............YOU!😊                                            MORE LATER IN PART 2

Love and Light!

Sunday, July 23, 2017


This morning I woke up to a very brief OBE encountering a visit from my Father who crossed-over to the other side several  years ago.
As most already are aware of that have OBES, our beloved pets, specifically Dogs and Cats, are observed casually viewing non-physical entities very often.

One of the most common things about experiencing NDES and OBES, is that various people we have known before they died physically, will make appearances during our experiences.

During our OBES (Also I have found this to be the same with those that have had NDES) when encountering those that have crossed-over, they will appear to have gotten "younger".  Most appear no older than 35 or so, even if they had been 100 when they left us.  Some will not appear to us for many years in the future and some with appear immediately.  It all depends I suppose on a need to know basis?  I have come to the conclusion that the more troubled, traumatized, etc.  There are so called, "Healing Places" where rest and counseling occurs......I believe this because I have been "shown or taken to those places" during several OBES and "seen" those that reside there for a period of time.  ALSO, if there have been negative issues involving themselves and others, they seem to not make themselves available for our contact until those issues are resolved?  I have "seen" that only once....when viewing someone that I wanted to make contact with.....The person was totally unaware of my presence and I could "see" from above them at a short distance this situation happening........One of the reasons for my not having "seen" or "met" my Father had been made possible for me to comprehend this was having not "seen" him for many years after his crossing over......  I had only "seen" him once before several years ago and he looked very refreshed and somewhat younger.

This morning when finding myself, during a non-controlled OBE, I found myself instantly on a familiar busy street in my area walking casually along.  Suddenly, without warning I turned to my left and a Taxi pulled up and stopped to permit a passenger to exit.  (By the way, some of you will remember in my past blogs describing some of the intricacies when having OBES, that we will "substitute"  or manifest various objects to make the experience more familiar to our physical/material life.  Such as, creating a vehicle of travel as cars, bikes, skates, etc.  We spiritual beings traveling in our physical/material bodies on this planet cannot always accept the idea of not having the need for one in order to travel.  lol:):):)

As I turned to look at the person getting out of the Taxi, for some unknown reason to me?  I within less than a second of time recognized the person exiting, as being my Father!  He was far younger in appearance, approximately 35.  (He was in his late 60's when he died physically during an accident.)  He seemed to be wearing the most beautiful white suit (Note* Seeing him in a White Suit, from past learning experiences, may well have been my "physical/material" desire to create this suit, due to my instantaneous encounter with him..... Because primarily, most times my having "seen" those that have crossed-over, they were lit up from within with a white glowing light unlike anything that I have ever seen in my physical life.  They also seemed to be wearing "robes" of some kind?) and he had a huge grin on his face as he looked immediately in my direction at me.  

I was much more than excited and the strangest feelings came over me instantly.  I thought to myself, "Oh wow!!! Now I will not be so lonely!"  I moved quickly towards him and as I did......I said, "Oh this is great!"  I was so very, very happy to see him and I had this feeling that he was an incredible friend that I had not been in the presence of in a long time.  I said to him as I put my arm around his shoulder, "Come on, we can go somewhere and talk about things.....I am so happy you are here......."

AND THEN IT WAS OVER.  As quickly as the experience all happened, it all ended as I sat up in my bed and thought to myself...........IT WAS DAD!!!:)

More later................

Sunday, June 18, 2017


I do hope you all remember when I told you some time ago that when there has been no OBES or non-physical messages sent to me that,  I WILL NEVER ATTEMPT TO MAKE ANYTHING UP TO PRESENT TO YOU.
As you might remember I stated that in my opinion that would be deceitful on my part and very disrespectful to those having put trust in that which I have presented.

YES!  I have been both lazy and somewhat in a state of disorientation due to both personal and a melancholy state of mind.  BUT, as with everything that happens such as this.......WE HAVE TO SNAP OUT OF IT AND CONTINUE OUR JOURNEYS HERE ON THIS PLANET.

I am pleased to say that I have encountered several people on FACEBOOK that have appeared to me as "Spiritual Beings"....... Maybe even those that chose to come here to this most difficult school of learning that were members of "the same group/family" as myself?:)   AND, I wish to say, they have and are lifting me up whenever I seem to falter.  I will not mention names here due to protecting privacy, BUT...........I feel tremendously blessed!


We all know at this time that the entire world is in tremendous turmoil.... And me.......I will "pick myself up and start all over again".  lol:)  AND, of course I will be sharing all and any of the experiences with you!                                     More later.................
