"It is the commonest of mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit
of all there is to perceive." C.W. Leadbeater
Recently, during some very stressful times, I had the privilege of unexpectantly having my "astral eyes" open wider than ever before and without warning/notice!
All decisions that were made by me during this time were primarily based on the comforts of having been able to "see" total reality. Since this time I have felt more than blessed by this occurrence. (During these times one's vision via one's astral eyes always enables us to "see" beyond the veil that blurs our physical vision.)
In several of my previous blogs I attempted to shared that which one can "see" during the out of body experience that is not possible when contained in our physical vehicles.
Maybe on another occasion I will attempt to share these episodes with you. At the moment I wish to share that which I have "seen" about the world around me. The current events.
This is a new adventure for me, because I have discovered that one does not need to always leave the physical body to become aware of many things happening on this planet. When the astral eyes open wide during our enclosure in the physical it is quite fascinating and inspiring!:)
Many human beings are not aware of how much or how closely related these two issues are to each other. As I have mentioned in the past, those refusing to remove their heavy duty blinders and earplugs will never "see" that which the future holds for our own beloved country, The USA. NOT GOOD!
As we all know, the entire world is in chaos. AND, it will become far worst. Many American Citizens are fearful of the various diseases being brought into the country that have not been seen here in decades. (Under the wayward actions of a government that no longer respects the wishes of the citizens of it own country) Unfortunately, too many do not consider the fact that our medical system is breaking down presently and must be delusionary in their thoughts of adding thousands if not millions to this system......Well, need I say more?:) There are key points that are being made by those wishing to cause America to go the way of becoming the next THIRD WORLD COUNTRY! Here are a few...BUT, OUR RELATIVES CAME HERE MANY DECADES AGO ALSO. WE STOLE THIS LAND FROM THE NATIVE AMERICANS. HOW CAN YOU REJECT INNOCENT CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN ABUSED BY CRIMMINALS IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY? WE ARE A MELTING POT OF PEOPLE. EVERYBODY SHOULD BE WELCOME. OPEN OUR BORDERS. LEGALIZE ALL THOSE HERE. As well all know, it goes on and on and on.....
When we are able to "open our astral eyes" many answers to these statements are revealed. MANY THAT THOSE THAT CANNOT AT THIS TIME "SEE" WITH THEIR ASTRAL EYES WILL NOT LIKE TO KNOW.......It will go against not the thoughts of their HIGHER SELF, but totally against their EGOS!!! (The new attempt to be politically correct has major downfalls as we are soon to find out.)
I have "seen" and "listened to the answers!" from The Astral World. THE WORLD IS A MAGNIFICENT AND BEAUTIFUL PLACE, FULL OF WONDERFUL AND LOVING HUMAN BEINGS! As we all know, there are amazing cultures all over the planet. We all were placed or "chose" these places to learn various things during our journey here on Earth. Unfortunately, a vast majority have decided to alter his or her journey because they found it to be too difficult.
Yes, in the past, many came to AMERICA and with decades of hard work were able together to create a magnificent country. A country in spite of the hardships, wars,
and many, many difficulties, put in a tremendous amount of blood, sweat and tears to work at and continue to do so, in spite of all of the obstacles in front of us.
(Of course many continue to spew out that this great country was "stolen" from The Native Americans..... This scenario is primarily used as a weapon by none Native Americans? Native Americans are by far one of the most highly evolved, spiritual beings on this planet........but that is another story.)
HOW DOES THIS ALL RELATE TO THE PRESENT DAY EVENT OF ISRAEL AND PALESTINE? The major human beings crossing our borders illegally and demanding their rights to remain are also CLAIMING THAT THE PEOPLE IN AMERICA STOLE MUCH OF THE LAND FROM "THEM!" This will be a major issue in The USA within approximately 10 to 15 years and there will be CONFLICTS very similar to ISRAEL AND PALESTINE!
There is no real desire for most to build up and better one's own country.....Many are finding that it is much easier to simply enter The USA and take without any efforts the many, many benefits ALREADY created and offered to them without much efforts.
This is all due to a misguided and corrupt government that has taken over our country in Washington. Our own government has become wayward just as the ones these people are coming from and due to privileged SELF-HATING Americans who welcome them, in this New Millennium the USA is headed towards a major catastrophic event unlike anything we have ever seen! Slowly but surely, our present democratic government will turn into a Dictatorship. (Many can already "see" this happening already..... BUT, to their disbelief and shock, they are believing it will "go away on its' own! lol lol lol:)
As I have mentioned in my past blogs, I am a Spiritualist and Metaphysician. I have also mentioned that I believe and always will in GOD/THE UNIVERSAL MIND. As I am aging and having visited most countries in the world and enjoyed observing the many different cultures and its' people and languages. I have come to love The USA with all of my heart and soul. Therefore, it breaks my heart to "see" and know how recently America is being turned into what many call, A GODLESS COUNTRY! So many are rising up and bashing religions such as Christianity and recently so many of The Anti-Semitics have shown their true self. Another very disheartening issue has become something that in my observations are that of older individuals (meaning that primarily, younger people, especially children of The New Millennium are oblivious to it.) RACE. All of the followers and promoters of the dark energies arriving on the planet today and those "revealing" themselves are the ones that are using the idea of TURNING HUMAN BEING AGAINST ONE ANOTHER BASED ON RACIAL DIFFERENCES!
NOSTRADAMUS, whom I wrote about in previous blogs, foresaw very clearly that which would happen in our world today.......For those of you who did not read those blogs I will present to you here what he "saw" with his astral eyes:
Nostradamus mentions that there are THREE ANTI-CHRIST THAT WILL RISE UP AND BEGIN THEIR DARK AND EVIL ACTIONS. As you see there are more than ONE........
I say to all who care about the future of our existence to attempt to open your astral eyes and you too will RECOGNIZE who these entities are......... BECAUSE THEY ARE HERE NOW!
There are many of those here on the planet that are already aware of these negative beings. These are the people that will be prepared. Sadly, there are too many oblivious to this situation and will be as Sheep walking innocently to slaughter when the time occurs!
My thoughts to all are to LOOK FOR THE LIGHT! This will be the direction in which to go........move into THE LIGHT! (Evil stays far away from THE LIGHT! It feels safe and secure in the dark! More later.........