
Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Exactly what human beings are aware of this and believe that these children/spiritual beings crossing our borders illegally, instigated by adults is not a  major tragedy??? And which human beings do not believe that God/The Universal Mind is not observing these actions The Children of The New Millennium, innocently following instructions???
Marshall Hill

It is my belief that at this time, this is a major moment in the cataclysmic tornado headed our way.  Especially in the direction of The USA!
These are but a few of The Children of The New Millennium that will possibly rescue some and create the new world.  They all chose to come to this planet for various reasons as I mentioned in my earlier blogs.
Yes, these are spiritual beings in physical vehicles that hopefully will save the planet.  BUT......this is not a sure thing since it will also depend on that which is left of the planet when the final showdown is confronting us all.
I have "seen" our planet explode with fire and go off of its' axis.....BUT, I have thus far not "seen" the details.  I would only using my "intuition" when saying, "This is not going to end well."
I am amazed at how many of we human beings walk around wearing heavy duty blinders and earplugs during these present times and are oblivious to the realities that have suddenly appeared unlike any we have known before The New Millennium?
For all of those who are not privy to OBEs, just use your intuition and meditational/prayful thoughts to become cognizant of the chaos facing us now...... Many are con-fused by the upheavals and many are simply permitting their misguided ego to get the best of them without the slightest clue!
There are "3" groups walking the earth now......One con-
sist of those in a daze/sleep state.  Two are those very much aware and preparing themselves to face the end of the old and the beginning of The New:)  And then there is the Third group........Arrogantly assisting the possibilities
of mass destruction!  They are the followers of what some call.....The Anti-Christ/Dark Energies!  They refuse to stand in The Light!  They revel in The Darkness and will following their leader with great dedication. 
Hold on..... Be strong...... Believe and have faith!  Without a doubt, there will be many who survive this and......Keep an eye on THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM...:)
                                                                    More later..........
Love and Light!

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Always during my Out of Body Experiences, I have sensed many times, but not always "seen" that there is a Higher or Spiritual Entity watching me..... Observing.  And when I was back in my physical body, I have always continued to "feel" that a very advanced spiritual being was with me.  Always, watching .....observing:) I wish to inform you now, that The Universal Mind/God is watching us all now...... I truly believe this..........  Marshall Hill

I wish to share the following thoughts with you.....I find it very strange and sad that "Sports" are the main thing today in Brasil.  (Yes, spelled with an "s" :)  The word is Portuguese.
Take the opportunity here to view these photographs and realize that men, women and children actually live in these conditions within only walking distances from the stadium so much money was spent on to prepare for these games.  In the past, none of the profits made have benefited these unfortunate human beings.  Men, Women and Children, walk, sleep, and beg for food on the streets in Brasil.  And the photos you are seeing are only a very small few of the neighborhoods that exist.
There far more......a tremendous amount. 
How do I know this you ask?  I lived in Brasil for a time during my life and many, many times while there...... I found difficulties sometimes when I would be eating a meal and the thoughts and images and sometimes even viewing those in the streets of a outdoor restaurant, begging for scraps or searching the garbage cans for food.  I just cried seeing this... and knowing so many of the Brasilian people personally, it was heartbreaking.  They are some of the most wonderful, loving human beings on the planet.  If anybody believes profits from these sports events will go to help..... Well, let's just put it this way.......It has not in the past and things have not changed! Corruption is a terrible thing!  And I truly believe.....God/The Universal Mind is watch us all during these times and waiting to view our actions in response to it all?

                                                                                    More later........
Love and Light!