
Wednesday, October 2, 2013


"I want to know God's thoughts...  the rest are details."    Albert Einstein

"The Guides now began their discussion of the 21st century by writing:  "Shortly after the Antichrist is put to death, the one who will become the Christ will be born into physical being.  Again He will come as a babe, but because the Earth will be so changed geographically at the time, we are unable to say where His birth will occur.  He is an already perfected soul who would not need to return to Schoolhouse Earth, but will volunteer to do so in order to usher in the millennium and advance the spiritual grace of all humankind.
This time H will be recognized by many as the recipient of the Christ spirit, which may enter Him in late childhood, and His goodness will be apparent to all.  Remember that the times will be different then, and most of the evil ones will already have perished in Earthly form.  Goodness will prevail, and those who then inhabit the Earth will have earned the right to sustain their bodies or to return there from the space sojourn that we have described.
Ruth, we are telling you truth, not fiction.  This why no one should fear the coming Shift.  It is but a pimple on the sands of time.  That stirring event will open human minds as never before to the potential for the conquering of all space;  not just the galaxy in which they live, but all space and all time with as much ease as they now do in space.  It is a marvelous time ahead, so be of good cheer, all you Earthlings, for it is all in God's plan and will come to pass much sooner than anyone in Earthly body can now conceive.
It is the enlightened beings who will be coming into human bodies after the Shift who will bring in that knowledge. 
As we have previously noted, men's minds will be opened to mental communication with those at a distance, to many in the spirit plane.  Space travel by mental process, as we have described, will obviate the necessity for lunar and other space vessels, just as mental communication will antiquate the telephone systems of today."

I wanted to share these passages Ruth Montgomery wished to share with the world, with all of those reading my blogs..... I have and will continue to do so, meditate on these words, these thoughts, these messages.  Hopefully, you too will take much time to discern these passages in your own methods.  
                                                                                                             More later.......
Love and Light!


"During my tremendous amounts of Out of Body Experiences during my life, I continue to believe in GOD and THE CHRIST.  (Even more so:)  The only thing that has changed about my being rigorously pushed to go to Churches and Bible Study Classes, Camps and Retreats, etc. by my parents, are my beliefs about RELIGION.  I came to the conclusion within my own self, that God has absolutely nothing to do with "Religion!"    Marshall Hill

I know that I have been absent from you all sharing my OBEs.... BUT, many that know me personally, know very well, that "if I do not have any noteworthy experiences, I will not make-up nonsense, of that which did not happen, just to impress those that are interested in the out of body experiences.
Recently, I had an OBE and I was urgently attempting to request information of what exactly was our world headed towards in the future, due to the tremendous turmoil that has been recently happening to all of us here on this magnificent planet named EARTH???
As soon as the question was asked, just as in the past once before, when asking a very serious and difficult question, I found my astral body gliding up a steep hill as I could both hear and feel the gentle breeze flowing past me.
At the top, in front of me, on that which appeared like a smooth mound of stone, there was a book with pages being turned slowly by the breeze.  I was still and looked at them, and saw words, hundreds of words printed, but I could read nothing?
On my return to my physical body I gave my experience much thought... Maybe, just maybe, the printed material was being embedded into my mind???
A few days passed and a book I have in my possession continued to catch my eyes!

For those of you who did not read my past blogs about this amazing woman, I will take the time here to give information about her career.  After a career as a top White House correspondent, covering every administration from Roosevelt through Johnson.  Ruth Montgomery became the bestselling author of fifteen books on paranormal and psychic topics. 
Her major "gift" became the ability to perform Automatic Writing via Spiritual Entities.
                                                                                                                   More later....

Love and Light!