
Thursday, September 10, 2015


"I cannot say I beieve,.  I know!  I have had the experience of being gripped by something that is stronger than myself, something that people call God.            Carl Jung

We will know that the time for the changes that are going to occur has started to happen when there are earthquakes which will take place simultaneously in both the Middle East and Japan.
There will be a lot of upheavals such as earthquakes and volcanoes occurring in the next few years, which are going to get increasingly worse.  I was given to understand that these activities are a reflection of all the social upheaval and violence that is going on all over the world at the moment.
I saw illegal underground testing going on in the vicinity of faults in the earth's crust, resulting in a series of earthquakes being triggered off around the world.  It seemed that the people concerned knew of the risks involved, but still went ahead anyway.  It was as if they were possessed of some sort of terrible madness which was totally destructive of everyone and everything.
The seismic activity is going to increase terribly and the United States is going to start suffering some great seismic problems.

I was shown many volcanoes erupting around the world.  Iwas told that these activities were due to shifts in the world's axis and would precede many world-shattering events.
I remember being shown that Mt.St. Helen's eruption......I was also shown other volcanoes.......I remember turning to someone in the living room and suddenly saying to them, Mt. St. Helen's just blew its top".  They laughed at me.  Later that night we were watching television and the very scenes I saw in my mind were shown on television and no one continued to laugh at me.

There are going to be Geographical Changes.  The whole surface of the earth will be changed in "the twinkling of an eye" just as it says in the Bible.  Land will rise from under the sea and water will rush over the large tracts of land now above sea level.  Many people will die at this time, but the earth will be cleansed in the process.  (By the way, I, myself "saw" this during one of my past OBES.  I must say to you, that when I supposedly "saw" this, I found myself above the crown of The Statue of Liberty.  I "saw" that the river had risen up to the neck of the statue and only the head could be "seen" by me...... I knew very well I was viewing it because the head and the crown were tremendously huge.  
I want you also to know the feelings I had at this time/moment.  It not that of alarm.  It was a feeling of calmness and I felt very casual about observing this scene???)

The poles are going to shift.  (I wish to say that I have mentioned in a past blog that during another of my OBES, that I remember very clearly seeming to walk upwards and away from the planet Earth and "seeing" it move off its' axis as huge flames burst up on one side of it.  During this time also...... I was calm and casual as I turned to look in the direction of this incident.  During this time I also remember simply saying, "OOoops!"  And then continue to walk upwards and away.  At which time, I instantly found myself back in my physical body in my bed.)

I saw the earth stretching and groaning while giving birth to a new consciousness.  I saw that every so often in the history of the world this happens and is inevitable in order for the earth to bring forth a new state of evolution.
I saw that the last time the world faced a similar situation, then as now, people were given plenty of warning that they were disregarding natural and spiritual laws and if they continued to carry on as they were going they would eventually have to face the results of their folly, but they chose to disregard the signs.  In the end all but a few who had heeded the warnings perished.  It will be the same this time.
There may be a pole shift......there are going to be polar's going to kill all the races off, but we're going to have to start again from square one...There will be a larger land mass.                                                                       More later..........................


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