
Tuesday, February 15, 2022



I have shared previously in my ongoing blogs about my non-physical experiences (OBES/APS) the seemingly, several levels of places my relatives, friends, associates, other loved ones, etc. have appeared to me.......

Most first appear resting or sleeping in what appears to be some kind of "healing facility?" When encountering them on a second experience had, they are grinning and as happy as can be and in the process of doing things that they had always wanted to do here but had not and are very busily doing so. Beyond that, when having other experiences, I have only encountered "one". Within my blogs/journals ongoing I have described this in detail.  I also spoke of how "surprised" they seemed to be when seeing me there and that I got the impression that "I was not permitted to have been there???"  (By the way, I would be most pleased if any of those reading this, that have in common with me, my metaphysical/spiritual experiences, to feel free to touch base with me here and share any possible clarifications for this to happen for me?  I have received one comment in relationship to my concern.... The person told me that it could be possible that they were surprised to encounter me due to the possibility of my not being enabled to be there at this time.... Referring to my still being physically alive on earth?

My having presented all of the above here to you, I wish to tell you that I have "never" encountered any of my beloved Animals in a place similar to any of the "sleeping/resting/or healing type places?"  Whenever encountering them, they are totally ALIVE AND WELL😍

Which now brings me back to something that I want to share with you in references to my Harry! During this present time when he has departed from this earth....... As I have mentioned previously, it has been tremendously difficult for me to continue moving forward in this physical/material world of existence😢With deep meditations and going deep within myself, I have worked to do my best to soften my despair...  I was in for a huge surprise when waking up one morning recently and knowing that I would be facing the first snowstorm announced the day before doing so.  I looked outside my bedroom windows and the sidewalks were covered with snow.  I thought to myself how everything would slow down and much caution would be taken during the day with activities, such as errands, driving cars, etc.  I put my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes and calmly my mind went blank.  Within seconds it seemed, I had gotten up from bed and went outside and was standing next to my car just looking at the snow- covered car and as I calmly and slowly looked down to my left, there stood my Harry looking up at me lovingly as to say, "Mmmm, we've got some snow here!"  As quickly as this happened, I found myself instantly back in my bed in my bedroom realizing that I had just experienced an "unprovoked" OBE and intuiting that my Harry was showing me that he continued to be very much ALIVE softening tremendously my emotional pain of his physical departure! 😍





Anonymous said...

Hey Marshall i hope all is well with you! We talked many years ago on Facebook about spirituality and obes but then i think you removed me. Would love to talk to you again 😊.
Love and light
Max Brolin


Hi, I am not sure if my reply goes here or to your comment in the email I got......Sooooooo, Are you the Max that might have been in Sweden or Denmark ???

Anonymous said...

I recently began using a CPAP machine. As I teeter on the edge of falling asleep, it is more likely that my mind will stay awake as my body falls asleep.
I’ve had success with Astral projection following an NDE in 1983 when I fell off a building. I had an incredible white light moment. It took years to understand the experience and I had already had a few out of the body experiences going back as far as my teenage years.
I once again interested in seeing where I could go with this.


Hey, That sounds great!:) Your having had an NDE, which by the way is considered the same as an APS/OBE, with the exception of "sleep paralysis= The Cataleptic State occurs for the onsets of OBES rather than death.....(Both prevent the physical from creating any "physical movement, as you probably already are aware of at this point.) Personally, during my many decades of practicing APS/OBES, I have refrained from CPAP machines, etc. It became clear to me that once we exit our physical once or twice consciously, it becomes far more easier to begin to achieve provoked out of body experiences. I mention several books on the subject that I have found interesting and helpful through the years. My all time favorites are, THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY/SYLVAN MULDOON and JOURNEY OF THE SOUL/WILLIAM BULHMAN. I met William several years ago and really enjoyed our conversation exchanging notes!

Anonymous said...

So happy and honored to be able to be here and share with you friend. Thankyou for the invite. Much love , Patti H.


Hey!:)This is good for me to know that you chose to come! LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU!

Anonymous said...

My husband is 78 and not very spiritual..he has, several times in his life, had an experience where he felt like he was just a "shell". I think it stops when he says, not now, out of fear of death...but I wonder if he has been on cusp of OBE?


WOW! Seems to me he was entering into an "unprovoked" AP/OBE and it also, to my surprise, (my loving to share my experiences in the hopes of getting, in my opinions, others that might display similar, enabling me to become more and more confident in my own!:) As I have mentioned previously within, whenever I experience "unprovoked" projections, they always seem to answer questions or present answers to me.)I also discern this about his experience and my own....I presented my own experience within....I was wondering for him, he might have very well have been interpreting the "...just a shell",disturbingly based on the common onset of projection for those not accustomed to them, FEAR! When he said this it could also be his self experiencing the possible onset of his astral body beginning to exit his physical vehicle in order to enter into the astral world....THIS happens when our spiritual/real/astral body exits our physical vehicle at one of two points during our journey here in The Earth School....One when we have an OBE and the other would be an NDE Of course they are both the same with the exception of one being temporary and the other permanent.