
Saturday, August 22, 2015


For those of you who follow my blogs, you might wish to check back to a previous blog that I wrote about an OBE where I got the impression from an unseen voice that very casually said to me, "WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO NOW?"
Some time has passed as I continued to make an attempt to find the exact reasons for that question???  I had assumed that having been headed for that LIGHT that I was being given the liberty of staying here in this physical vehicle/ body on this planet or making a voluntary exit.
I have continued to think deeply about the situation and one of the main answers that I have come up with, even though there are maybe a few more...... It is= are we SERVING TIME here in some kind of prison or Hell?  My observations of that which has been transpiring presently causes me to lean towards that of either attending tremendously difficult classes chosen by and insisting on taking by myself OR being made aware of the consequences of LESSONS TO BE LEARNED for past mistakes? Actually, that should make very good sense to me, since becoming a Metaphysician, I have become pretty much convinced, that this planet we human beings chose to reside on, just definitely might be a SCHOOL. This belief became stronger for me, when my beloved friend, a person that I had known since he was a young boy and when he grew up to be a teenager, absolutely blew me away with his highly advanced OBES! (His Father had jumped from The Brooklyn Bridge when committing suicide.)  I knew very well he was seeing me as "His Father Image) and as much as I was in denial of it and rejecting it.... My efforts were useless to try and do so.  Later when I lost my own beloved son....This teenager whom had known him well, was able to "make contact" with him via his OBES!  When I would become disturbed by the fact that my son was not "in touch"  with me as he had promised to do, if anything might happen to either of us in death.....We would make contact if possible?  When, in anger, I would ask my teenage friend, WHY HAVE YOU MADE CONTACT AND NOT ME???  He calmly said to me, HE HAS....BUT EACH TIME HE TRIED YOU WOULD BURST INTO TEARS AND DEPRESSION.  HE TOLD ME THAT YOUR GRIEF IS TOO POWERFUL.  "THEY CANNOT MAKE CONTACT WHEN THAT HAPPENS, BECAUSE WHEN THAT HAPPENS, YOU FALL TO A LOWER LEVEL OF DARKNESS THAT THEY ARE NOT PERMITTED OR CANNOT GO TO.......HE SAID, HE IS FINE AND YOU MUST BELIEVE THAT......HE IS BETTER THAN EVER!
All of this information made clear sense to me......Because now I knew the reasons for the many times I had just burst into tears or could not complete a meal, etc.  just "suddenly" without totally knowing the reasons???  IT WAS CLEAR NOW TO ME....WHENEVER HE WAS NEAR ME....I WOULD BREAK DOWN.
During my continuous research and studies of the thousands of other individuals that have experienced either NDES of OBES, I came across a research book by a Humanistic Psychologist with a great interest in the spiritual aspects of Social Psychiatry and founder of the International Association for Near-Death Studies in the United Kingdom.  She did a research project many years ago to examine cross-cultural similarities between near-death experiences in England and those reported in the American investigations.
What a surprise to view a particular experience a survivor of a NDE had when being declared clinically dead during surgery and then being resuscitated back to life......The most extraordinary part of the experience for the patient was having "seen" and been in the "presence" of his deceased Father.....The encounter was brief and in spite of the fact that the patient had no desire to return to the physical life, he was told, BY AN UNSEEN VOICE=  "YOU MUST GO BACK.  YOU HAVE NOT YET FINISHED YOUR TERM!"
Need I say more friends, ahahhahha:)  I am thinking very deeply about this and wish to share it all with you in the hopes that you too, might give it some thought=)
More later..............

Love and Light!

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