
Monday, August 17, 2020



THIS MORNING AS I AWAKENED......I suddenly heard a soft buzzing sound coming from the back of my head?  It took me a few minutes to realize that I was beginning to have an "unprovoked" OBE.  (I might have mentioned in the past that having "unprovoked" OBES would usually happen for me unexpected and without my having any input in to bring them on......They also usually seemed to be a presentation given to me via unseen entities providing me with information/messages?)

The OBE experience this morning was very similar to another OBE in the recent past that seemed to give me the impression that my entire physical life was that of a "dream".  I could feel my entire body go into The Cataleptic State in my bed....(Of course, as always, I welcomed all of the sensations involved, knowing very well that this was the onset of a projection of my astral body.....My "real body/soul/self/spirit".

Quickly and gently, I rose above my physical body in bed, as my astral body moved and slid forward and then turned downwards as my feet touched the floor of my bedroom.  When they did so, my astral eyes opened wide and I, as always when this happened, and my vision became 360 and the clarity was unlike any clarity experienced when in my physical body.  I was facing my bedroom windows and I could see outside the bright sunlight (which was far brighter than anything I had seen with my physical eyes).  I could see the street I lived on and far beyond!😎  There were a tremendous amount of Feral Cats roaming outside...... Otherwise, the streets were empty.  I knew very well, as I decided to move outside that there was no need for me to open the window first, but simply glide effortlessly through the closed window onto the outside street.

When doing so, the first thing I encountered without warning was a speeding car coming down the street as I moved slowly off of the sidewalk and on to the street, finding myself directly in front of it....... Startled at first, but instantly also realizing that it would go right through my astral body without even the slightest concern.....Which it did.  At that moment, I really had no definitely thoughts of where or what I wanted to experience?  I suddenly looked up in front of me between two houses and saw a familiar mountain top and the thought went through my mind, that I had not taken my Dog there for quite a long time now and as I remembered/envisioned the greenery of it and the Deer I had always encountered roaming when being there, in less than a second it seemed to me, I found myself standing on the mountain taking in the view around me😊Of course, as always, the feelings of content and peacefulness came over me......At the same instant, I could also feel myself being drawn back into my sleeping physical body in bed.  As quickly as this occurred,  I found myself back!!!

I realized very clearly without any frustrations of attempting to interpret the reasons for this unprovoked, brief OBE..... That the message being given was very simple......"Marshall, LET GO of your doubts that continue to flow through your mind about your non-physical experiences for so many years on this planet... Move forward without continuing to carry this baggage ("Doubt!").  All that you have and will discover outside of the physical.......IS REAL!"💛

More later,  LOVE AND LIGHT!
