
Saturday, October 27, 2012


                                            MALALA YOUSAFZAI

Before moving forward with my present blogs.  I wish to mention a 15 Year Old Girl who has been in the news media for a few weeks now.  I am taking for granted that most all know about this young girl and those who do not need only check the Internet for information about her plight. 
I would like to share with all of you who continue to share my thoughts, a reference to several previous blogs I wrote about THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM .   PAST BLOGS:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

                                                                                 More later...........
Love and Light!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect.  The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth."  Carl Jung

For many decades now, I have often "listened and had very subtle
conversations" within my head/mind that were  during the silence of my times of being alone.
They always occurred so smoothly and calmly without any prepara-
tions that I have come to take them for granted.  Many of the various
thoughts I have presented here in my blogs have come during my many conversations with whom I have come to name, THE WHIS-PERERS!
I believe that many such as myself that are privy to these times have referred to this as, Channeling, Automatic Writing, etc.  I have never really given it much thought but rather observed very closely those who presented such ideas.  In the meantime, I was not totally aware of giving a "name" to that which had and continues to happen to myself in relationship to having what suspect are "higher entities" or those that have moved to a higher energy level than myself.  I do know without a doubt, that these Whisperers are highly evolved and gently and with bias seem to present much information to my many questioning thoughts.
As an aside, which I find rather humorous when I look back on the thousands of times these Whisperers have spoken to me, they began in the distant past whenever I was standing in the kitchen washing something such as a dish or glass in the sink=)  Those became the most noticeable times for me when I realized that du-
ring those periods of time, I performed my tasks as if "in a trance like state?"
Now that "Marshall has awakened to these moments in time" I have decided to be very attentive and share with all of those who are reading my blogs, the various dialogues between us.
More later................

Love and Light!

Monday, October 8, 2012


I will now reveal to you the information about my experience the morning I introduced to you the subject of the above title.
I have always said, that if you write your "dreams" down (a dream journal) you will be able to recollect them easily.  BUT, you will completely forget them if not..... What you will remember vividly, will be ALL of your Out of Body Experiences with or without keeping a log!  I do!=)  Even the ones when I was a small boy!
What I wish to reveal to you now is what happened early morning yesterday.
I did not have any of the usual astral introductions to the experienc.  I supposedly did what I call, an astraljump directly into the situation.
I found myself in very high spirits, walk or skipping down an unknown street, while laughing with two boys that were walking along side me that seemed to "notice" my appearance and very cheerfully and lovingly began chatting with me.  I "knew" they were brothers.  One older, about 16 and the other younger, about 12 or 13 years old.  They both were carrying what seemed like folders or books.  (The thought entered my mind that they were headed for school). 
The younger one with such a happy face said to me, "We heard your dog passed on..... Before I could respond, he said, But we heard you have another one now and he makes you happy!"
Everything was very clear and vivid.  And most of all, our communications seemed to be highly charged... The two boys and the surroundings were bright and clear!  This was to me "another place".  NOT here in my own physical dimension, but another dimension similar but different from where I presently reside?
The whole experience lasted which seemed like seconds, but I comprehended everything..... Even a vehicle that passed by close to the sidewalk on which we seemed to be walking. (By the way, the car passing by might have been, as I have mentioned in the past to you, that of a "representation" of my traveling out of the physical body or just a passing car. ) Actually, THEY seemed to be walking.... I seemed to be "observing" or "looking into" another time and place.
I sat up in my bed, wanting to be there, I sense the atmosphere of a loving and peaceful existence?                     More later....................

Love and Light!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Several years ago, I became so obsessed with my Astral Projections/Out of Body Experiences, that I had gotten to the point of having difficulties attempting find out more.
Much more about the subject... seems the same answer was given to me at the time, no matter which person gave it to me..... YOU WILL NEED TO INVESTIGATE THE STUDY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS/QUANTUM PHYSICS!  I did so.  I had never become  so lost in my life during my investigations and studies. Yikes!!! The information was coming to me and I was absorbing it as if I were a "solid concrete brick!"  In my case, I went back to continuing to follow my road seeking more with my OBEs.  BUT.... I wish to say to those whom have followed my writings here to "check it out!"  It just might come in handy for some...... Marshall Hill

In my next blog coming up, I will inform you about the out of body experience I had this morning early, that prompted me to give you the above information.                     More later...............

Love and Light!